When You Tell April You Like Him+ A/N

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You've known (your turtle) for about a few months now and you know for sure you like him. Every time you get around him your a blushing mess. You needed to tell someone so you decided to call up your friend April.


April and you were at the local park talking.

"So, (Y/N), what did you have to tell me?"

"I-I umm I may have this crush on a guy..."

"Its Leo isn't it? Omg please tell me it is!"

You blush and look down."Yeah..."

"Omg (Y/N) this is the best news ever! I knew you liked Leo!"

By this time, everyone in the park has heard your conversation due to April's screaming. Everyone's eyes on you made you uneasy. Embarrassed, you put your head down.



"Are you crazy? You know he has anger issues right?"

"Yes I'm very aware. And I hope you realize that nothing you say will make me stop liking him."

"Sorry I didn't mean to sound so harsh. But if you like him I respect that, mostly."

"Yeah... Thanks April." You roll your eyes and hang up the phone.


"April I'm just going to be honest... I like Donnie."

You and April were video chatting each other when you finally told her.

"You what?"

"I like Donnie."

"You can't!

"What do you-"

"You realize he's a mutant right?"

"Yeah, but that doesn't mean anything to me. Donnie is amazing."

"Whatever (Y/N)." April rolls her eyes and logged off while looking angry.


You and April were sitting in Pizza Hut, grabbing a few pizzas, when you told her about your crush on Mikey.

"Aw you and Mikey would be cute."

"Haha thanks April. But I don't know if he likes me or not."

"I don't see why he wouldn't!"

"I'm pretty sure he only has a crush on pizza."

"(Y/N), Mikey may be carefree, but I'm sure he has some type of feelings for you. And if he doesn't he's dumb!"

"..." You look up at April. You don't think Mikey is dumb. April, however, seems to think so. She simply face palmed.



"No? What do you mean no?"

"You can't like Casey."

April and you were walking home from Casey's hockey game.

"And why not?"

"Casey probably wouldn't fall got someone like you."

"What exactly is that supposed to mean?" You ask with anger in your voice.

"Sorry to bust your bubble, but Casey is mine (y/n)."

"You don't even like him!"

"He's still mine!"

"Bye April!" You slammed your house door in her face.

Hey guys! Thanks for all the reads and votes! I'm kinda running short of ideas so if you guys could comment ideas that would be great. :)

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