When You Meet His Family

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First off can I just say that I am really proud of the last few edits I've made. Okay now to the story.


Leo was dragging you through the sewers while you complained.

"Leooooooo." You whinned.

"(Y/n) they won't hate you it's okay."

"Why you lieeeeee!"

Leo laughed at you and then pulled you into the entrance. You saw his three (yes, I finally changed it to say three instead of four) brothers and his Sensei. You quietly tiptoed behind Leo.

"Hey guys I want you to meet (y/n)," he pushed you in front of him gently,"My girlfriend."

"Yeah right, Fearless," Raph grunted not looking up from magazine.

"Um... Hi." You waved sheepishly.

"Leo brought a real girl home!" The turtle who you assumed was Mikey tackled you into a hug.

"Nice to meet you, Miss (y/n)."

"The pleasure is mine, sir." You smiled.


"Okay Mikey is the annoying one, Leo is Sensei Jr., Donnie is the smart one that talks about nothing interesting-"

"And you're the only normal one." You playfully roll your eyes.


Continuing your walk through the sewers, Raph puts his arm around you.

You raise your eyebrow at him.

"I gotta make a statement don't I?" He shrugged. You just laugh and shake your head at him. When you reach the lair, you can see his three brothers and Sensei.

"Hey guys this is my girlfriend (y/n). Don't touch her, don't talk to her, don't-"

"Shut up Raph." You nudged him with your elbow. "I'm (y/n) and I'm nicer than Raphie here let's on."

"Did she just call you Raphie?" The purple one points. The other two laugh along, while Master Splinter just shakes his head.

"Aw that's so cute!" Mikey walks up and pokes Raph's head.

"Stop it!" Raph blushed slightly.

"Is big tough Raph embarrassed?" Leo smirks.

"Shut up!" Raph stomps to his room and slams the door.


You nervously gripped onto Donnie's arm as he led you through the sewers.

"You'll be fine (y/n). Just watch out for Raph's temper."

"It's not your brothers I'm worried about. It's April!"

"April? Why would you-"

"She hated me ever since I  developed my crush on you." When you finished explaining Donnie walked you through the entrance.

"Uh hi guys. This is my girlfriend." While Donnie is speaking you notice a certain red head was sitting in the room.

"Did you build her or something?" Raph sarcastically asks.

Mikey pokes your head,"I don't think he did. She feels real."

"Because I am real."

"Nice to meet you..." Leo starts.

"(Y/n)." As soon as you say your name April whips her head in your direction, glaring.

"Uh Don can we leave now?"


"Dudette my bros will love you!"

"Then what are we waiting for? Let's go!"

"Race ya there (y/n)!"

You and Mikey raced through the sewers. Considering you didn't know the way, Mikey won. "No fair!" You pout which makes Mikey laugh.

At the sound of your voice, three green heads turn in your direction.

"Mikey did you bring a... Human here?" Leo asked immediately standing.

"The last time that happened the Foot almost discovered our lair." Raph growled.

"Which was your fault Raph."

"Shut it, Don."

"You guys this is my girlfriend (y/n)." Mikey said hugging you.

"What's up?" You grin.

"Great another Mikey." Raph grumbled.

Mikey leaned over and whispered in your ear,"Everyone besides Raph. He's a big meanie."


(For Casey you will be meeting the turtles instead of his family)

"Your friends live in the sewers?"

"Don't worry you'll love them," Casey says pushing you deeper into the sewers.

"Hey guys this is the girl I was telling you about." Casey gestures towards you.

"Who knew Jones had taste?" Raph said smirking.

"Don't get any smart ideas Raphael," Casey laughed but stated with a serious tone.

"Well nice to meet you..." Leo started.

"(Y/n)" you smiled and waved.

"I don't understand."Mikey said confused.

"What?" Donnie raised an "eyebrow".

"How is (y/n) so nice but Casey isn't?"

"Hey I am nice!"

"Pfft you're barely nicer than Raph."

"Shut up" Raph growled.

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