When He Falls

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Help I'm running out of ideas


He was trying to impress you while he was sparring against you. You could tell he was going easy on you, which would've bothered you if he wouldn't have fallen.

He back flipped off the wall and over your head as you tried to attack him. You could see his smirk as he flew through the air. You watched as he landed on Mikey's nunchucks, which caused him to crash to the ground.

Running to his side, you asked. "Leo, baby, are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine." He sat up.

"Well since you're okay..." You burst out into laughter. He face darkened with blush as he stood to leave.


"Come on (y/n)! What can't keep up?" Raph ran further ahead of you. You could hear the smirk in his voice.

"Shut up Raph!" You picked up your speed.

Currently, you were chasing after Raph in the lair because he took your phone out of your hand while you were watching your favorite celebrity/popular social media person on Live.ly(Edit: whew that shows how old this chapter is).

"Come on, Raph. They were about to announce something important." You frowned.

"You have to catch me first, but-" He stopped talking when a water balloon hit him in the face, causing him to fall. You smirked and grabbed your phone from him as he laid sprawled out on the floor.

"Thanks Mikey." You laughed.

"No problem. Dr. Prankenstein always takes house calls."


You watched as Mikey set a trap for Raph, who was in the kitchen. He placed clear food wrapping from one side of the doorway to the other. Unbeknownst to either of you, Raph had already walked out of the kitchen through the other entrance and Donnie walked in.

He threw a water balloon at Donnie before he could see who it was. "Mikey!"

"Uh oh. I thought he was Raph." Mikey said before he took off running.

The next thing you knew, Donnie ran face first into the wrapping and fell backwards from the force.

(Skip to 50 seconds to see the prank)


You walked into the kitchen to see Mikey placing banana peels on the floor. You rose a brow and carefully evaded the mess.

"Mikey, what are you doing?"

He turned around at your voice. "Oh hey, (cute nickname). So, you know how in all of the cartoons a character slips on a banana peel?" You nodded. "Well, that's what I am trying to do."

You watched as he attempted to make himself fall. This went on for another two minutes.

"Well, I'm going to pick up the pizza, so you let me know how this goes." You turned to walk away.

"(Y/n), wait. I want to-" He ran towards you, completely forgetting about the peels. He ended up successfully slipping on the peel.

"Mikey!" You helped him up.

"At least I know it works." He rubbed his head. "Now, I heard pizza."


You were currently ice skating with Casey, along with about twenty other people. He held your hand as you both glided around the rink, but unbeknownst to you, Casey was about to sling you forward. Once doing so, you ran into a group of people, causing all of you to tumble to the icy floor. You quickly apologized as you glared at your boyfriend who was laughing his skinny butt off.

Before you could get your revenge, another guy skated behind Casey and pushed him into a girl. She pushed Casey off of her and sent him into the wall. You held in your laugh as you "helped" him up. While he was gaining his balance back, you pushed him backwards, causing him to fall again.

"Revenge is sweet, Arnold."

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