When the Kraang Find You

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Early update as promised

(Y/t/c)- your turtle/Casey

You opened the doors of the school, happy to finally be leaving jail-school. It was the first day of school and you already had homework in three of your classes and took two district assessments. (This was me on the first day) You were halfway home when you realized you had left your book that was needed for your homework in your locker. Groaning, you turned around to fetch the item from hell.

When you got back to the school, you were surprised to see that no one was there. Usually, practices would be going on and teachers were still helping out students. As you grabbed your book, you could hear the sound of metal and heavy footsteps on the ground. You turned to see an army of Kraang surrounding you.

"The one known as (y/n) must return with Kraang so that Kraang can do the process of experiment."

"Or Kraang can do what is known as back off." You unsheathed your (weapon[preferably a tanto, katana, sai, staff etc.]) as they advanced towards you. You quickly managed to take down half of the small army, but Mrs. Exploding Elbows decided to show up.

She launched a missile at you, which you ran away from down the hallway and jumped to the side when a turn came, resulting in the explosion of your most hated classroom.

Standing up, you turned to go down the steps. You opened the doors to the steps to reveal another hoard of Kraang. Attempting to run the opposite way, more came from all angles and surrounded you.

"Can't we work something out? Like maybe I could give you a rock to mutate." You backed up against the wall as you secretly called (y/t/c).

"Or Kraang can do what is known as not." Mrs. Double E said.

"(Y/n)? Hello?" Your boyfriend spoke into the phone.

"Kraang, capture the one known as (y/n) for the experimenting with the special mutagen."



"(Y/n)? Is that Kraang I hear?" He yelled into to phone.

He heard your struggling against the Kraang before the connection was lost. He cursed under his breath and ran to get his katanas.


"(Y/n) what is going on?" He screamed.

"(Y/n) frickin' answer me!"

"Greetings to the turtle known as Raphael. Kraang has captured the one known as your mate."

The Kraang droid disconnected the call and left Raph fuming with anger.


"(Y/n) I'm coming. Where are you?" Donnie asked.

All he got in return was a scream on the other end from you.

"Kraang, make the one known as (y/n) shut in the direction of up."

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