When You Are Sick *Short*

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He constantly would check up on you. Every five minutes he would bring you something or ask if you needed anything. Leo always seemed to know what you needed before you asked. You need a tissue? Leo is already handing you two.


When he heard you cough, he took raised an eye ridge at you. Eventually, he saw how sick you truly were and picked you up. He placed you on his bed, laying on the opposite side of you and held you close.


He took notice of your symptoms after observing your sneeze and constant coughing. Donnie left and returned with bags filled with medicine and ingredients for soup. He made you (favorite soup) and brought it to you in bed.


He always does his best to cheer you up whenever you are sick. Successfully, he manages to make you forget about your illness, besides the occasional cough or sneeze. Mikey would goofily dance or sing for you.


He would stay by your side almost every minute you were sick. When he wasn't there, he was out getting foods and medicines that would help.

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