When He Talks In Japanese

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You were sitting in the lair watching TV. The guys had recently come back from patrolling and now where talking to Master Splinter.

You start to slowly drift off when you hear someone whisper," Go irashii ga ki itako to ga ari masu."*

"I'm not even asleep yet."

Leo stood dumbfounded for a second.

"Master Splinter taught me some Japanese."

*you look adorable when you sleep


Raph was attempting to teach you how to drive his motorcycle. It took you a couple of tries to get the hang of it.

Once you thought you had mastered the task, you and the bike tipped over. Raph helped you up and smirked.

"Since you can't ride this one maybe you should try to ride something else."

"Like a bike?"

Raph laughed at your confusion.

" Sude shi kojin no baiku.*" He kissed your forehead and started to walk away.

"What is that supposed to mean?"

*you can ride my personal motorcycle.


Donnie was teaching you Japanese. He gave you some sentences to translate.

"Donnie what does this one mean?"

He glanced over your shoulder and blushed.

"Did you write that?" He asked.

You shook your head no, so he continued," Iku bo suttafu ga i masu."*

You could hear chuckling from outside the door. "Raph you wrote that?!"

*I have a hard bō staff when I'm with you.

(That one was embarrassing for me omg.)


You brought Mikey some pizza to eat while you two played video games. Mikey kept glancing at you.


" Shi ha piza yorimo ana ta o hashi te."* He kissed your cheek and continued playing.

*I love you more than pizza

No Casey for this one, obviously

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