Christmas With The Turtles (Part One)

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You slip down the nearest manhole with your gift for (y/t)/Casey in hand. With a smile on your face you happily skip down the sewers towards the lair. Walking into the entrance you find Casey and four other guys.


You scream and slowly back away from the scene.

"(Y/n)? Wait don't leave!" A voice that sounds like Leo's comes from on of the boys.

"L-Leo? What happened?"

"Oh right... Donnie made these watches that can turn us into humans." He says as he fiddles with the watch and turns back into a turtle.

"Oh. Well anyway here's your gift!" You smile as you hug and kiss your turtle boyfriend.


You grab a loose pipe and charge after the first boy you see. Just as the pipe was going to hit his head, he grabbed your hand.

"Woah, (y/n). It's me."


"The one and only." He says with a smirk as he fiddles with the watch on his arm,"Don invented these." He gestures towards the watch once he turns back into turtle form.

"Oh. Anyway here." You hand him a gift wrapped in red and green Christmas decorations.


"Donnie is that you?"

"Huh? oh hey Sweetheart," the tallest boy turned towards you.

"What happened?"

"Remember the 'surprise' I was working on?" You nod your head yes,"Well this was it," he finished, gesturing towards his watch.

"So I see." You smiled and hugged your boyfriend, then handed him the gift you bought him. "Merry Christmas Don!"

"Thanks (y/n)," he says before kissing you.


"Am I in the wrong lair?"

"Hi (y/n)!" Mikey ran up and hugged you.


"Oh no. Am I in trouble? You said my full name," he whimpered.

"No no your fine Mikey." You laugh and kiss his cheek. "But mind explaining," you gestured to his body.

"Oh Donnie made this cool watch thing and it makes me human just like you!"

"Aw Mikey. Merry Christmas," you hand him his gift.

"Thanks dudette!"


Confused, you look around as you walk in. "Were they not turtles the last time I saw them?"

"Oh they still are. Donnie here made those watch things or whatever," he says while slapping Donnie's shoulder.

"It sounds so dumb when you say it."

Donnie rolls his eyes

You laugh and hand Casey his gift."Merry Christmas Casey!"

"Thanks (y/n)," he says before kissing your head.

The human watch thing is obvi not my idea lol. I loved the idea and was like why not🤷🏾‍♀️ Creds goes to the original writer with the human watch idea

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