Chapter 13)

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"I do what it takes..."

(Loki's POV)

After Tenshi leaves, I exit the Great Hall, lost in thought. My attempt to talk to her had been fruitless; she had shut me right out! Clearly, she wants nothing to do with me at the moment. I can't say that I blame her. Well, I can, but I'd be lying.

Plans to win back her affections swirl around in my mind, each coming back with more holes than an archery target. So immersed in my own mind am I that it takes Thor clapping my shoulder to bring me back to reality.

"Brother, I've been calling your name for the past minute!" he tells me. "What Realm was your mind on?"

"This one," I reply, shaking my head. "I'm trying to figure out how best to apologize to Tenshi and earn her affection again. But I keep falling short."

Thor thinks for a minute. "Have you thought about apologizing to her with dinner and flowers?" he asks me. "That's been known to work for most women."

I nod. "I have. But Tenshi is not most women. There's no guarantee that it'll work." Thor shrugs.

"There's never a guarantee, Brother," he replies. "The only way you'll find out is if you suck it up and do it."

I look at him in shock. He looks at me, confused. "What, is there something caught in my beard?"

"," I answer slowly. "I just didn't know you were capable of saying something wise."

Thor rolls his eyes. "Funny, Brother. I do occasionally use my brain for something other than filling my skull."

"So, it does actually do something?" I tease with a chuckle. "I wondered."

"At least I follow through," Thor shoots back, "instead of wasting time yapping with my brother when I could be winning back a girl."

I nod. "Two good points in one day, that's a record for you. I'll see you later, Thor."

Thor chuckles. "See you later, Brother. And good luck!"

With that, I head off to make the arrangements for dinner, as well as some flowers for Tenshi. There is a lovely place with a breathtaking view of the sunset on the sea, and it gives Tenshi an excuse to dress up and look even more beautiful than she already is, not that she would ever admit it. Once I have the reservation for dinner, I go to a florist that puts together some of the most gorgeous bouquets on the Realm and purchase a dozen pure white roses. With these tasks completed, I ride back to the palace to find Tenshi. The stablehand takes my horse and I take the opportunity to remove the thorns from the flowers, getting a few nicks from the sharp points, but they don't bother me. I tie the bouquet together with a black ribbon, as it's Tenshi's favorite color and begin my search for her.

I find her in the library, her nose buried in a book and a look of intense concentration on her face. She must be reading one of the books in Asgardian, as none of them are written in English. I can't help feeling impressed. My steps are silent as I traverse the room and kneel in front of her. She looks up and jumps.

"Loki!" she exclaims softly. "What are you doing here?"

"I came to see you," I reply, keeping my volume down. "I have a surprise for you." She raises an eyebrow suspiciously.

"What sort of surprise?"

"A good one, I promise," I tell her. "One I think you'll like. I just need you to come with me."

She doesn't look entirely convinced, but she stands anyway. I offer her my arm, which she takes, and escort her to her room. On her bed lies the bouquet of white roses, and she gasps quietly before picking them up and cradling them in her arms.

"Oh, Loki. They're beautiful, thank you!"

"Do you like them?" I ask.

"I love them!"

I take a breath and summon a box in my arms. "I have another. Turn around, Darling."

(Tenshi's POV)

I turn, confused, and see Loki standing before me with a large white box in his arms. He hands it carefully to me and I look down at it. On the box, in elegant script, is written, 'With love from Loki.' I sit on the bed and open the box, gasping at the breathtaking dress neatly folded inside. Gently takig it out, I carefully unfold it, letting the floor-length skirt flow downward. The dress, or more accurately, gown, is black at the top and fades into a lovely shade of green at the bottom of the skirt. It has both shoulders and a set of straps criss-crossing the nonexistent back to hold it to my small body.

"Whoa..." I murmur. Loki smiles softly.

"Go and put it on," he tells me. "I have one more surprise for you."

I walk into the en suite bathroom and change into the gown. A pair of small golden sandals appears by my feet and I slip them on. I apply a bit of makeup and pin my hair up, and I'm ready to go. Loki's eyes widen.

"Darling, you look beautiful!" he exclaims. I blush.

"Thank you. You look amazing."

He is dressed in his formal armor, black with accents of green and gold, and his green cape flowing from his shoulders. His raven hair is, as always, slicked back, the ends flicking out over his shoulders. He is smiling softly at me, and gracefully inclines his head to accept the compliment.

"Thank you, love." He summons a sheer green wrap with gold glitter and drapes it over my shoulders. "Let's get going, then. I have one last surprise for you."

I nod and take his arm. He leads me out to the stables where the stablehand tacks up his black horse. Loki lifts me into the saddle sitting sideways, before he swings up onto the horse with all the agility befitting his station. After a quick thank you to the stablehand, Loki starts the horse out into the city.

I watch in awe as the golden buildings go by, Loki taking us much more slowly than when we first arrived in Asgard. He points out different parts of his home, and I listen avidly to the stories he tells. His horse moves smoothly under us, calmly taking us to Loki's destination.

We arrive on the coast, and Loki dismounts smoothly behind me before placing his hands on my waist and helping me down.

"Here we are, Darling."

A/n: HAPPY NEW YEAR!! Hopefully, this year will be better than the last and everyone can stay safe.

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