Chapter 3)

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    "Everybody waiting for the fall of man,
    Everybody praying for the end of times..."

    (Tenshi's POV)

    The dazzling multi-colored lights of the Bi-fröst nearly blind me as my feet are lifted from the ground. I let out a whoop as adrenaline floods my veins. I keep a tight grip on Loki as we approach Asgard. The Bi-fröst spits us out in a gilded, circular chamber with a dais in the middle. Standing on it and holding an enormous sword is a dark skinned man wearing gold armor and staring into the universe with amber eyes.

    "My princes," he greets in a deep baritone. "Welcome home. Lady Tenshi, welcome to Asgard." I smile brightly.

    "Thank you. I'm ecstatic to be here," I reply. Heimdall smiles a little.

    "I know," he teases slightly. "If I'm not mistaken, that was you I heard yelling in the Bi-fröst." I blush, looking away. Loki chuckles beside me.

    "It was fun," I say meekly by way of explanation. Loki laughs.

    "Heimdall is just teasing, Love. I'm sure it's refreshing to see someone actually enjoy the Bi-fröst trip instead of having a servant clean vomit from the floor. I must admit, it is rather unsightly," he jokes. I giggle a bit and relax. Thor clears his throat.

    "As pleasant as all this is, we need to  get to the palace if we are to freshen up before seeing Father."

    Heimdall nods courteously. "I had a servant bring your horses before you arrived. I know that Lady Tenshi has never ridden before, and that Loki will want her to ride with him, so I only sent for two."

    "Thank you Heimdall," I say gratefully. Loki and Thor nod their thanks and we head over to the horses. I approach a breathtaking black stallion with Loki, who reaches out to pat his neck.

    "He's beautiful," I compliment softly. "Is he yours?" Loki smiles.

    "He is. You can pet him if you like; he doesn't bite." My grin spreads from ear to ear as I gaze up at the Trickster.

    I cautiously approach the horse from the side, making no sudden moves so as not to startle him. He makes a low rumble in his chest in greeting; a nicker. I reach out and gently spread my fingers. The stallion pushes his velvety nose into my hand affectionately and allows me to stroke him. After a few seconds, he lowers his head to my stomach and snorts, the hot air tickling me and making me laugh.

    I step back, laughing hard. "Hey, that tickles!" He snorts, tossing his head. Loki takes hold of the saddle, swinging gracefully onto the horse's back reaching down for me.

    "Well? Are you coming?"

    I take his hand and let him haul me into the saddle. I hook a foot into the stirrup and swing my leg over so that I'm situated behind Loki. He turns to look at me.

    "Hold on tightly. I don't want you to fall off." I wrap my arms around him in response, making sure I have a tight grip without suffocating him. With a click of his silver tongue, he gets the horse moving.

    The stallion's hooves make clinking sounds when they touch the bridge to Asgard, as though it were made of delicate glass. Loki nudges the horse into a run, and we speed towards the glittering towers of his childhood home. The universe is spread on either side of the bridge, the stars looking as though one could reach out and touch them. Galaxies and nebulae spin lightyears away, yet still provide color to the dark satin of space. The entire view steals my breath.

    Einherjar salute as we enter the golden city. Mothers herd their children out of the way of the hurried princes as we gallop through the city towards the palace. As we approach the steps leading inside, the horses slow to a stop. Two stable-hands take the reins of the horses and hold them as we dismount. Thor dismounts first and Loki passes me down to him so that he can get off. Thor sets me on the ground immediately, most likely to avoid Loki's wrath.

    The enormous golden doors swing open as we climb the gleaming steps. The Einherjar guarding the doors salute Loki and Thor and nod to me as we walk in. One of them smiles down at me as I pass, his eyes sparkling from beneath his shining helmet. I grin back, sure that my own eyes are sparkling.

    The palace is huge. Everything seems to be made of gold and it has an open, airy feel to it. The floor is a light-colored granite, glittering with quartz. My mouth hangs open at the beauty of my surroundings. I'm so awed that I don't notice at first that Thor and Loki are some distance ahead. The moment I do, I break into a short sprint to catch up.

    Loki looks down at me when I reach his side again. Casually, he places two long fingers under my chin and pushes it up. Chuckling, he leans down to whisper in my ear.

    "Close your mouth, Darling. You'll catch flies." My face heats when I feel his cool breath on my ear. I know I must be the same scarlet shade as Thor's cape. Seemingly satisfied with my reaction, he stands straight again, looking for all the Realm that nothing has happened. He does, however, take hold of my hand.

    My embarrassment fades back into wonder as we approach the family quarters of the castle. An Einherji guards each door lining the corridor. My eyes are caught by the numerous colorful tapestries adorning the walls. Stunning landscapes and historical scenes add life to the hallway. Each one is intricate, and I know they must have taken days to create.

    Loki stops in front of an Einherji and nods a greeting. The Einherji salutes and Loki pushes open the door. I can't help the gasp that passes my lips. Loki's suite is beautiful beyond words.

    Like the rest of the palace, the walls are golden. The sitting area is richly furnished, with an enormous bookcase next to a dark wooden writing desk. An ornate carpet is sprawled on the floor and the bedroom area is separated by a set of emerald green drapes. A sofa and small table are situated a few feet from the door while another small couch sit in front of the fireplace. The entire place gives of a cozy atmosphere.

    Loki apparently senses my wonder, as he gives my hand a light tug to lead me into the sleeping area. His bed looks like the one he has on Midgard, but this one has a canopy and forest green curtains for privacy. A set of double doors appears to lead onto a balcony. To my right, I can see into a bathroom, with what looks like a bathtub the size of a swimming pool. Next to the bathroom is a huge closet.

    I turn to look at Loki, who has a blank expression on his face, as though waiting for my opinion. My face breaks into a big grin.

    "Loki, it's beautiful! This is where you grew up?" He hums in response.

    "Mhm. This is it. But all that aside, we need to get you dressed. You can't meet the Allfather in Midgardian clothes."

    I cock my head, curious as to what he'll put me in. Knowing him, it'll be in keeping with the current fashion of the place. He takes a moment to consider, looking me over thoughtfully. Waving a hand, he turns my t-shirt and jeans into a one-shoulder, flowing floor length,  gown with a black bodice and a forest green skirt. On my feet are a pair of gold sandals with a slight wedged heel.

    He's braided my hair into an elegant Asgardian updo style and accented it with sparkly pins. Around my head, resting comfortably on my brow is a golden circlet in the shape of a snake, the head and tail crossing to close it with a teardrop shaped emerald hanging down where they meet. Around my neck, curled close to my throat is a necklace of the same style while another gold snake winds around my right bicep. A pair of emerald drop earrings completes the look. Loki leads me to a full length mirror and stands behind me. My jaw drops. I look like royalty.

    I look like I belong at Loki's side.

    Loki leans down and presses a kiss to my cheek. He purrs appreciatively I my ear.

    "Mmm, you look ravishing, Love. It will be a miracle if anyone can keep their eyes off of you." My blush is obvious in the mirror. Loki turns me towards him and gives me a reassuring kiss. He's still in his armor, his green cape trailing behind him and his horned helmet sitting proudly atop his raven hair. He looks every bit of a prince.

    "Are you ready, Darling?" he asks.

    "Absolutely not," I reply. "Let's do this."

    It's time to see Odin.


Mischief's Wings (Sequel to "By Name Only")Where stories live. Discover now