Chapter 16)

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    "Looking at my years like a martyrdom
    Everybody needs to be a part of 'em..."

    (Tenshi's POV)

    I wake up early the next morning and sit up to rub my eyes. Dawn has yet to rise, and from the look of the sky outside, it'll be a couple of hours before it does. My bleary gaze slides toward the end of the bed and to my surprise, the gown laying at the foot of the mattress isn't my typical green and black, my staple colors thanks to Loki, but a bright gold. I slip out of the sheets, wincing as my bare feet hit the frigid marble floor and walk over to the foot of the bed to pick up the gown. It's hard to tell, but the bodice seems to be simple in design, a scoop neckline as a swath of fabric hangs loosely down over what I assume to be the bust of the dress. The skirt is flowy and a petticoat lies underneath the dress as well as a slip to keep the stiff, itchy fabric from coming into contact with my legs.

    A maid walks into my room with a tray of food and a grumpy expression. "Good, you're up," she grumbles. "I don't have to go through the process of waking a lazy royal guest."

    She puts the tray on a side table and looks at me expectantly. "What are you waiting for? The Queen ordered me to bring this in for you." I nod and hesitantly walk over to the side table. On the tray is a selection of fresh fruit and one of the pastries I'd so enjoyed at breakfast yesterday. I smile at the maid.

    "Thank you, Ms...?"

    "Hilde," the maid replied. "Just Hilde. I am to be your lady-in-waiting while you are here." She didn't sound too happy about it, either.

    "It's nice to meet you, Hilde," I reply, trying to be polite. "I'm-"

    "I know who you are," Hilde interjected. "You're that demon that the Dark Prince brought back with him."

    "Well, I'm technically an angel-"

    "Doesn't matter," Hilde said dismissively. "I'm just here to wait on you hand and foot. So, dig in so I can take the tray back."

    I nod to the rude woman and pick up the tray. "Thank you," I tell her politely. Just because she's rude doesn't mean I have to be. She rolls her eyes as I start eating, but I ignore it in favor of the food before me. I eat quickly, partly because I'm actually hungry and partly to make her job easier.

    She practically snatches the tray from me the second I finish and shoves me toward the screen to get dressed. I give her a disgruntled look, but go anyway, picking up my gown and umdergarments on the way to the changing screen. She scoffs and hands the tray to another maid before joining me behind the screen. Her hands are a long way from gentle as she rushes my nightgown off of me and I have to lift my arms quickly to avoid ripping the fabric. A quick change of undergarments and I find myself being laced tightly into a corset because according to Hilde, my figure doesn't "stand out enough."

    Way to make me feel good about myself.

    I step into the slip and let her drape the petticoat over my head before fastening it around my waist. The gown is next, and that too goes over my head before being laced at the back. I let my wings unfurl from my back, only to get them swatted by Hilde. "No wings."

    "Wait, what?!" I ask, confused. "Why can't I show my wings?"

    "One, because you don't need them," Hilde answers. "Two, because you're trying to fit in and no one here has wings except you. Three, because you look like a freak with those wings and you're already out of place here."

    I vanish my wings. Those first two made sense, but ouch, that third one hurt. I leave it be.

    "At least you can cover those ugly wings with an illusion," she snips as she reluctantly styles my hair. "I'd hate to be you if I couldn't."

Mischief's Wings (Sequel to "By Name Only")Where stories live. Discover now