Chapter 10)

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    "I do whatever it takes,
    Cause I love how it feels when I break the chains..."

    (Tenshi's POV)

    I wake up in an unfamiliar bed, with sunlight streaming through an unfamiliar window into an unfamiliar room. It takes me a moment to remember where I am and how I'd gotten here. The Bï-fröst. Asgard. The fight with Loki.

    The memories come flooding back as I shower and dress in the simple, dark green Asgardian gown laid across my bed. I magically pin my golden hair in a simple updo and slip on a small pair of sandals. Satisfied with my outfit for the day, I head out my door.

    Loki is just coming from his own chambers as I step into the hall. He wears a soft, dark green linen tunic with gold accents and black trousers, leading the eye down his long legs to a pair of tall black boots embossed with a braid design. His pitch hair is, as usual, slicked back from his face, shining at the top as though he had used gel. He looks as regal as ever. His emerald eyes regard me coolly, and he nods his head wordlessly in greeting before starting off down the hall. He very clearly wants nothing to do with me.

    I let him get a few meters ahead of me and make my way to the Great Hall, keeping him in my sights so I don't get lost. When I arrive in the Hall, Loki has already sat down and tucked into his breakfast. I sit down and do the same.

    The meal is quiet. Frigga periodically casts a worried glance at me while a smug look gleams in Odin's eye. Thor looks unnerved by last night's revelation and Loki ignores my presence entirely. I keep my focus on my breakfast, trying to ignore the looks sent my way. The moment I finish, I shoot out of my seat seat and wordlessly exit the Hall.

    (Loki's POV)

    I watch as Tenshi bolts down her breakfast and flees from the Hall the second she finishes, as though she can't spend another moment in my presence. Mother glares at me.

    "You two fought last night, didn't you?"


    "Don't lie to me, Loki Odinson. You were ignoring her all through breakfast. You looked everywhere except to your left, where she was. What happened?"

    I sigh, defeated. "Yes, we fought. We both said some unsavory things to each other." Mother nods.

    "Then you know what you must do."

    My face falls. "I don't know if she'll accept an apology, Mother. She couldn't even stand to be near me this morning."

    "Give her a day or two to cool down. That will also give you time to formulate your apology," Mother advises gently. I nod.

    "He shouldn't have to apologize to that creature," Odin cuts in. "She should be running to him and apologizing for deceiving him." Mother pins him with a glare to cow a Jotün.

    "This is, as the mortals say, an 'A-B conversation," she says too pleasantly. "'C' yourself out of it." Odin wisely shuts up.

    Mother massages her temples in frustration, a habit that I have picked up from her. "Now, where was I? Ah, yes. Just give her a day or two to cool off and clear her head before you try to apologize." I nod.

    I just hope she'll forgive me...

Mischief's Wings (Sequel to "By Name Only")Where stories live. Discover now