Chapter 4)

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      "Everybody hoping they could be the one,
    I was born to run, I was born for this..."
      (Tenshi's POV)

    Loki bows elegantly, extending his arm for me to take. I get a good grip on it and allow him to lead me through the golden labyrinth of hallways to a gargantuan set of double doors. Thor is already there, his silver armor glinting in the light and his scarlet cape flowing from his shoulders like a bloody waterfall,  seemingly waiting for us. His eyes widen upon seeing my attire. He clears his throat awkwardly.

    "*Ahem.* Lady Tenshi, you look beautiful," he compliments me. My cheeks warm a little.

    "Thank you, you look very regal yourself," I reply formally, feeling a bit shy in this new place. Thor gives me a smile as Loki leans down.

    "There's no need to worry, Love," he murmurs. "This is merely a formality that we must observe. You know Odin already. Just follow our lead and you'll be perfectly fine."

    I nod my understanding and stand tall, taking a deep breath to summon my courage. Thor nods to the Einherjar holding the doors and with a mighty heave on their parts, the golden slabs swing open. The throne room is breathtaking to behold, the walls sloping upward towards an intricate mural of the royal family and different events. The granite floor is polished to perfection, such that if I were to look down, I would be able to see my reflection, almost like a mirror. I refrain from doing so however, as my gaze is trained on the old, balding man on the throne, glaring down at our party with one intense blue eye.

    Thor and Loki approach the throne, stopping to kneel at the appropriate distance. I do the same, careful not to catch my skirts under my sandal. It would be utterly humiliating to trip on my skirt and fall as I attempt to stand, or worse, end up ripping my skirt. The three of us bow our heads for a moment in respect, before simultaneously raising them to look up at the throne. Odin reclines his head before motioning for us to rise.

    "Father," Thor says almost reverently. I can sense Loki's effort not to roll his eyes. His face is cool and stoic, not one emotion betrayed. He is motionless beside me, relaxed as he and I remain in our position slightly behind Thor. Odin looks down at Thor, his expression slightly softened.

    "My son. Welcome home." He then turns his head to see Loki and me.

    "Loki," he greets, his expression hard again. Loki inclines his own head, remaining silent. That cold blue eye locks onto my forest green ones, disdain showing clearly.

    "Lady Tenshi," he says, the ever-so-slight mocking tone not lost on me. I release Loki's arm for a moment to dip into a graceful curtsey.

    "Allfather," I reply formally, my own distaste for him hidden.

    "I have called you here for an urgent matter regarding the line of succession," he begins with a pointed look at me. I give a subtle glare back.

    "As you well know, I am growing old, and am not long for Valhalla," he continues, ignoring me. "The throne must fall to one of the two of you."

    Loki jerks back in surprise. "One of us? Shouldn't the throne automatically go to Thor, considering that he is clearly better suited to it?" he asks, confused.

    "In other circumstances, yes, the throne would automatically be passed to Thor as an heir. But given the recent development, it would appear that you are also a candidate," Odin answers gravely. Loki's face is carefully blank, as is mine. Underneath, I can feel a surge of excitement for Loki. After all these years, he finally has a chance to achieve his lifelong dream.

    After all these years, he'll may finally be able to prove himself to Odin.



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