Chapter 5)

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    "Whip, whip,
    Run me like a racehorse,"

    (Tenshi's POV)

    Loki's expression is cold when we leave the throne room. Though my hand remains on his arm and maintains contact, he doesn't look down at me. I don't blame him. Odin had given him a lot to think about.

    He stays like this until we reach the outside of the palace. The carefully manicured landscape and abundance of flowers and plants draws the inference that these are the palace gardens. An ornate fountain gushing with crystal water sits in a circle of pathways, each leading to a different part of the gardens. Loki's stoic expression softens as he lays eyes on the fountain. I can immediately see why.

    A woman with long, golden hair the same color as Thor's, wearing a gold colored dress is sitting on the edge of the fountain, playing with the water. A striking pair of blue eyes rises to meet us at the sound of our approach. I know right away who this is as she rises to meet us. She looks so much like Thor, the conclusion is obvious. This is the queen, Frigga.

    This is Loki's mother.

    She walks over to us, arms open in a gesture of welcome. Loki smiles, and I release his arm as he steps into his mother's embrace. Her arms wrap around his neck as his wrap around her waist and upper back. He holds her close to him, the two of them swaying in their unspoken connection. Finally, they pull apart, the queen smiling up at Loki; he's quite a bit taller than she.

    "Mother," Loki greets her affectionately. "It's wonderful to see you again."

    "And you, my son," she replies lovingly. She raises an elegant hand to cup his sharp cheek. "Let me look at you."

    She looks him over carefully, asking him the traditional motherly questions: "How are you? Have you been eating enough? When was the last time you washed behind your ears?"

    Loki patiently answers them, clearly relishing his time with his beloved mother. He leans into her touch, and I can see how much he loves her. Frigga finishes her inspection of Loki, apparently satisfied with his condition, and her gaze immediately lands on me. I gulp, resisting the urge to step back. She gives Loki a pointed look.

    "And who is this?" She asks, not unkindly as Loki turns to see me behind him. He extends a hand to me, palm up, clearly expecting me to take it. I do so, and let him pull me to his side.

    "Mother, this is Tenshi," he says. "Tenshi, this is my lady Mother." I automatically drop into a curtsey, only to be caught in a hug when I get straightened out again. I stiffen a bit, not expecting the affection. Before I can awkwardly return the gesture, she releases me to hold my shoulders at arm's length.

    "It's a pleasure to meet you, Tenshi," she tells me, her eyes sparkling as she looks me over. It takes a lot of self control not to look away in embarrassment.

    "Likewise your Majesty," I reply softly. She's a little taller than I am, so I have to look up slightly to speak to her. She laughs.

   "None of that dear," she tells me jovially. "Just call me 'Frigga.'"

    My head bows. "Forgive me, your - ah, Queen Frigga. I've only ever met the Allfather and wasn't expecting your kindness." Frigga shakes her head.

    "I take it you are the reason my husband arrived in the Bi-fröst chamber unconscious?" She asks knowingly. I can feel my face turning bright red in answer to her question. Her laughter this time is open, free.

    "It's quite alright, darling. Odin needs to be put on his rear end once in awhile. But next time you do, let me know. I'd like to watch."

    I am shocked by the queen's request. I incline my head in a small bow with a smile. "Definitely."

    This sets all of us off into a laughing fit. Finally, Loki catches his breath and turns to his mother.

    It's been wonderful to see you, Mother, but we need to head back inside. We'd like to rest before dinner." Frigga smiles, understanding.

    "Of course, darlings. Go and rest. I'll see you at dinner."

    Loki takes one of her hands and kisses her knuckles. She reaches up to kiss his cheek before Loki turns us back in the direction of the palace. As we walk, I make a realization.

    I absolutely adore Frigga.

Mischief's Wings (Sequel to "By Name Only")Where stories live. Discover now