Chapter 9)

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    "Whatever it takes,
    'Cause I love the adrenaline in my.   veins..."

    (Tenshi's POV)

    Loki leads me to his chambers, his hand replacing the Einherji's on the small of my back, but nowhere near as gentle. Instead, he is discreetly pushing me along, forcing me to keep up with his long strides. I practically have to jog to keep up, and I occasionally stumble over my dress. He ignores all of this however, as he looks straight ahead, his eyes cold and his lips pressed into a hard line. For the first time in my infinitely long life, I dread going to his chambers.

    He nods to the Einherji guarding his door and opens it, pushing me inside before following himself. I stumble on the way in, but catch myself and regain my balance. He advances on me in a few graceful steps, taking hold of my upper arms in his iron grip.

    His emerald eyes blaze with rage. I lower my head until he takes my chin in two long fingers and lifts my face, forcing me to look at him.

    "Do you have any idea..." he hisses angrily, "...of the commotion you have caused tonight?" I look at him, eyes wide as he shakes me, my head jostling back and forth on my neck.

    "Do you? You had to run out of there like a coward, and embarrassed not only yourself, but the Royal Family and I as well! And then I had to make the guards do a sweep of the entire palace to find you, disturbing and upsetting people who weren't even involved. And all because you ran away from a few insults. I've seen you stand against worse.

    "I thought you were brave. It seems that H.Y.D.R.A has produced nothing but a lowly coward," Loki spits. I jerk back, his words feeling like a slap to the face and a suckerpunch to the gut, making me resist the urge to double over. I take a deep breath and look directly into his eyes, hard enough to cut diamonds.

    "Then perhaps you shouldn't have fallen in love with a demon. I knew from the beginning that you are the god of mischief. I was a fool to believe that you would be anything more. Good night, Loki."

    I turn and exit his chambers, going directly to mine across the hall, and nodding politely at the Einherji. I suppress my tears as I remove the stunning dress that Loki had put me in and grab an Asgardian nightgown. My eyes remain dry as I take out the lovely pins holding my hair and brush the golden waves that tumble down my back. Only when I slip between the rich covers and sheets of my beautiful bed and curl into the fetal position do I allow the tears to fall. The pain of the evening pushes past its barriers and I am sobbing for the second time tonight.


    (Loki's POV)

    I stand in shock as Tenshi walks out of my chambers, her back as straight as an arrow and her head held high. She's never spoken to me like that!

    The sound of her door closing pulls me from my thoughts. I shake my head and go into my bathroom, stripping out of my armor and undergarments and changing into my night clothes, a simple pair of soft pants and underwear. I comb out my ebony hair and slide into bed, the sheets cool against the bare skin of my upper body. I close my eyes and try to sleep, but my mind races, refusing to give in to slumber.

    This is going to be a long night...

    A/n: Oh, look! Another update! Sorry that this one is so short, but more will come later. I hope you enjoy it, and I love you all.



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