Chapter 8)

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    "Letter that you rip, rip
Break me down and build me up..."

    (Loki's POV)

    I sit frozen in place at the High Table, staring in shock at the seat Tenshi had just vacated. Odin scoffs.

    "Coward. Expose her and she'll run."

    I look blankly at Odin, who keeps talking.

    "Well, it's better that she's gone. Neither of my sons needs a gold digger like that."

    I avert my eyes, knowing that I can't oppose him so soon after I've gotten at least partly redeemed in his eyes. I can't lose the progress I'd just made. The rest of the meal is quiet, the High Table dead silent while the warriors further out whisper.

    After the meal, I walk quickly from the dining hall, but not before hearing Mother speaking to Odin.

    "That was not necessary, Odin, and you know it." Odin scoffs.

    "She is a monster Frigga, what was I supposed to do?" A loud SMACK! echoes through the corridor. Did Mother just slap him?!

    "She is not a monster! You haven't looked deeply into her eyes, seen the pure soul peering through them! I've half a mind to let her put you on your rear end again, if I weren't worried you'd break your neck because your head is so far up in it!"

    D*mn, Mother!

    I head silently for my chambers, thinking that Tenshi had run there to hide. It's the only logical explanation, since she'd so easily get lost in the maze that is Asgard's palace. I nod to the Einherji guarding my door and push the golden slab open. My sitting room is empty. Hm.

    Maybe the bedchamber?

    I move the curtain aside and check the room all over, including under the bed and in the closet. Nothing.

    I wonder if, perhaps, she'd gone into the bathroom, but find the door open and the room empty. It is now that I begin to worry.

    I walk from my chambers and stop in front of the Einherji, who salutes, his right fist over his heart. I nod.

    "Have you seen Lady Tenshi since we left a while ago?" He shakes his head.

    "I'm afraid not, your Highness. She hasn't come this way."

    I curse under my breath and thank the Einherji before wandering to the library. Maybe she'd asked for directions or was escorted there by someone. She loves to read, and the library is the perfect place to lose yourself and be alone for a while. I find the library, wandering amongst the shelves of books and finding the tables and secret nooks all empty.

    Not here, then. Perhaps the training grounds?

    I go to the training grounds to find several warriors sparring, but no sign of Tenshi, not even a sparkling feather. My worry begins to spike as I locate Tyr, the god of justice and Captain of the Einherjar. He kneels in a formal salute and looks up at me.

    "What can I do for you, your Highness?"

    I motion for him to stand, giving him a moment to get on his feet. He does so, looking at me inquisitively.

    "I cannot find Lady Tenshi. I'd like you to get some of your men together and thoroughly search the palace until she is found and brought to me. Understood?" Tyr nods.

    "Understood, your Highness. Could you please describe her appearance for me so we know who we're looking for?"

    I nod and describe her to Tyr who relays the information to his men. They split off in different directions and begin their search. I go back inside and search on my own. As I wander the halls and search the rooms, I come across Einherjar who shake their heads.

    Finally, I come across an Einherji with Tenshi at his side, his hand on the small of her back to keep her in place. He brings her over to me and releases her to my care. I nod to him with an appreciative "thank you" and instruct him to tell the others that Tenshi had been found. He inclines his head, accepting my gratitude, and turns on his heel to obey my orders. My gaze finds Tenshi, who is looking away from me.

    We have so much to talk about...


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