Chapter 2)

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    "Everybody circling, it's vulturous,
    Negative, nepotist..."

    (Tenshi's POV)

    The moment Loki deposits us in his room, I release him and step back to gaze up at him. I know exactly what he was talking about. The nightmares.  He always comes to me after he wakes up screaming in the night. I reach up and cup his cheek in my right hand.

    "Thank you for what you did downstairs," I murmur gratefully. Loki leans his head into my touch before placing a kiss on my palm.

    "Of course, Darling. She had no right to bring up your past when you have very clearly changed and hers is just as bloody." I step closer to him and wrap my arms around his waist, laying my head on his chest, since it's the highest I can reach. He folds his arms around my body and I sigh contentedly, thankful to simply be close to him. A cool sensation on my scalp tells me that he's kissed my hair.

    Our little moment is ruined by a knock at Loki's door.

    "What?" he asks, annoyance obvious in his tone.

    "Brother, I need to see you. It's urgent," comes Thor's Australian accent from the other side, slightly muffled. Loki sighs and lets go of me to open the door.

    "If this has anything to do with those blasted PopTarts of yours-"

    "We've been summoned by Father," Thor says, cutting him off.

    "What?" Loki asks in confusion.

    "Father sent a letter with a raven. He needs us to come home urgently," Thor replies. Loki takes the letter from him, and begins to read it. His brows furrow as he reads further before his eyes widen in shock. He hands it back to Thor and turns to me.

    "I believe I did promise you a trip to Asgard," he tells me, smiling softly. Despite the obviously grim situation, I cannot contain my joy at the idea of seeing Loki's childhood home. Thrilled beyond words, I nod excitedly and Loki laughs at my reaction. He turns back to Thor.

    "Give us a moment to pack a few things," he says calmly. Thor nods and leaves, heading to the old parking lot where he calls for the Bi-fröst. I go into my own bedroom and begin to pack away a few things; my flute, a few clothes, some comfortable shoes. Once I have a bag packed, Loki takes it and tucks it away into his magical pocket with a straight face.

    "Are you ready?" he asks. I nod again.

    "Let's do this," I reply, my voice full of anticipation. Loki takes my hand and we teleport to the lot. Thor is waiting in the center of the Bi-fröst circle in his armor. Loki uses his magic to change into his own armor while I remain in my regular clothing. We step into the circle and I take a good hold of Loki's arm, practically bouncing in place from excitement.

    Loki smiles down at me as Thor raises Mjolnir to the sky.


Mischief's Wings (Sequel to "By Name Only")Where stories live. Discover now