Chapter 11)

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    "Whatever it takes,
    Yeah, take me to the top, I'm ready for..."

    (Loki's POV)

    I wander to the garden, deep in thought as I pass several servants. A crowd has gathered behind a wall, all of them appearing to be watching something as they attempt to remain hidden. They part and create a path as soon as they notice my presence and I can finally see what has captured their attention.

    Tenshi is seated on a stone bench, her flute in hand and playing a sad tune. Several servants have tears down their faces as they listen, just from the raw broken heart behind the notes. My own heart breaks as I listen to her play, knowing that I caused her that pain. Her tone is as sweet as ever, but her quivering vibrato betrays what is happening inside. I close my eyes to listen.

    The servants return to their duties when she finishes and I turn away, unable to approach her. Little do any of us know, we did not go unnoticed by the minute maestra on the bench.

    (Tenshi's POV)

    Let me start by saying that I knew people were listening. The sound from a flute carries a long way, especially outside in open spaces. So it's no surprise to me that I wound up attracting attention, even though I didn't intend to.

    What does surprise me is that people actually gathered behind that hedge to listen. I was half expecting to be told to shut up, that I was making noise and disturbing everyone. Yet, they stayed and listened. Did they enjoy it? Probably not.

    Even more surprising is when Loki came to listen. I knew it was him because his footsteps are effortlessly softer than those of the people around him. He didn't stay however, and I can't say that I'm not disappointed. I want to apologize to him for what I said last night and for not being good enough to fit into his world.

    For not being good enough for him.

    I put away my flute and fly to the highest part of the palace. The view from here is absolutely breathtaking. I can see for miles in any direction and my soul can run free.

    Sitting down, I tuck my feet under my skirts and let the fabric pool gracefully around me. The wind is much more powerful up here, and very warm as it slightly lifts my wings from my back. The loose hair from my updo waves around, the strands catching the light of the sun. I allow myself to relax, but keep my guard up and my senses alert. It wouldn't do to be ambushed up here.

    The heat of the sun warms my body and I realize that I can't sunburn here. The Asgardian atmosphere is pure and blocks any harmful radiation from the surface. I silently thank the creator of the universe for making the Asgardian atmosphere pure, because I neglected to bring sunscreen.


    After I've sat up here for a few hours, my stomach begins to growl. I hadn't eaten much breakfast, because the tension between Loki and me busted my appetite. Making sure not to rip my skirts, I stand and jump from the roof, catching an updraft so I don't hit the ground before I catch a downdraft that takes me to the ground. I land gracefully, folding my wings behind me. They vanish, so I don't draw attention to myself.

    Walking inside, I locate the Great Hall and find a table laid out. A maid informs me that it's lunch and that I can just grab what I want to eat. I thank her and do so, discovering some steps leading to a balcony which would make a perfect seat. I sit down and eat while looking at my surroundings. Not many people are in here, probably saving room for dinner.

    A certain Trickster however, is not.

    A/n: I know it's short, but please don't kill me! I've had writer's block for ages now and don't know what to write next. Suggestions for Loki's apology to Tenshi would be more than welcome!


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