Chapter 1)

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    "Falling too fast to prepare for this,
  Tripping in the world can be dangerous..."

    (Loki's POV)

    Our hiding place is enveloped in darkness, courtesy of Tenshi's magic. She is crouching behind some shipping crates while I wait invisible in a corner. A pair of black swords rest in their sheaths on her back, crossed into the shape of an "X." Her forest green eyes are locked on our target, watching for an opportunity to strike.

    She wears a black bodysuit almost exactly like the one Agent Romanoff wears along with a pair of combat boots of the same color. Her blonde hair is braided and hangs down on her right shoulder. Her double sheath for her swords is held on by straps like that thing Midgardians carry things in. What is it called? Ah yes, a "backpack."

    Our target is a group of smugglers shipping weapons across the border of the United States into another country. I didn't bother learning the name. The smugglers talk to each other in rapid Spanish, but my Allspeak allows me to understand exactly what they are saying.

    "Hurry up! We leave in an hour!"

    "Okay, don't get your panties in a twist!"

    I suppress a snicker. Tenshi has her nose and mouth covered, attempting the same. She cocks her head at the voice of the S.H.I.E.L.D Director, Nicholas Fury.

    "Alright. Now!"

    Smirking, she draws a sword and steps out from behind the crates. The smugglers notice her immediately and have their guns on her in an instant. I am not worried. These pathetic Midgardians stand no chance against an angel.

    "Where do you think you're going?" she purrs, twirling her blade in her hand. The men open fire, all of their guns trained on her black-clad figure. Their bullets bounce harmlessly off as she strides forward. She lets out a scoff.

    "How rude," she mutters as she begins to cut the legs from under her opponents. Her movements are graceful, fluid and deadly, years of H.Y.D.R.A training showing through. I hang back and let her have her fun, knowing that she needs the activity. It's been a while since either of us have gotten out of the tower, now that the world knows of our existence.

    Within minutes, the entire group is on the ground groaning in pain and Tenshi is calmly wiping her blade with a cloth. She presses a hand to the communication device in her ear and alerts S.H.I.E.L.D of the mess they have to clean up. Turning to me, she sends me a wink. I smile in return, as she slides her sword back into the sheath on her back and walks over to me. As soon as she is close enough, I lean down and tenderly peck her lips.

    She takes hold of my arm and with a snap of my fingers, I teleport us back to the Tower. The team is gathered in the control room, clearly having been watching the mission. Stark lets out a low whistle when he spots us.

    "D*mn. She may be an angel, but she fights like a demon," he teases.

    "That's because I used to be a demon," Tenshi reminds him with a laugh. The group laughs with her.

    "What I don't get is why she left all of them alive," Agent Romanoff says. "I would have killed most of them, and left a few for questioning."

    "I'm an angel," she replies. "I don't kill unless it's absolutely necessary." Agent Romanoff gives her an unimpressed look.

    "And yet you killed all of those people and intended to kill all of us," Romanoff mentions. I can hear hissing from several men and a few people wince. That's a low blow and we all know it. Tenshi hangs her head and looks away, trying to hide her embarrassment. I step in with ice in my voice.

    "Need I remind you, Romanoff, that your ledger is as red if not redder than hers?" I inquire frigidly. "I wouldn't go bringing up others' faults until I've looked at my own if I were you."

    "And do you look at your own faults?" Romanoff asks.

    "Every night," I reply evenly. Tenshi's head shoots up, eyes wide. My gaze lands on her shocked face, and my expression softens. I wrap an arm around her narrow shoulders and pull her close to my body, squeezing her gently in comfort. In turn, she wraps her arms around my waist and I teleport us to my room.

    A/n: First chapter. Got a little sassy at the end. As always, let me know what you guys think!

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