Chapter 21)

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"I wanna be the slip, slip,
Word upon your lip, lip..."

(Tenshi's POV)

My green eyes open to a sunbeam shining through the window and right into them. I hiss and hide my face in my pillow until the blind spot fades. A maid enters my chambers to get me up for breakfast. I sit up and stretch, my shoulders popping. The sound makes the maid wince.

"Good morning, Lady Tenshi," she says timidly. "Shall I draw your bath?"

I smile warmly at her. "Good morning to you, too. And yes, please. A bath sounds amazing right now."

She nods and goes to get the buckets. Another maid enters and helps me choose my clothes for the day. The dress she chooses requires a corset and I hesitate. Normally, I wouldn't wear one because I like being able to breathe and I'm fine with what little curve I have. It's not like I need a corset for a t-shirt and jeans.

But this is Asgard. I need to be a proper court lady so Loki can impress Odin. If I embarrass him by not conforming to his culture, his reputation will be damaged and he won't achieve his dream. After a few moments to decide, I take a deep breath and agree to the corset. The maid nods and the first one returns with two buckets of steaming water.

After the bath is filled and the different toiletries explained to me, I undress with the maids' help and slip into the water. I take a moment to soak in the warmth, then start washing my hair. It doesn't take long, since it goes down to my shoulders and my body doesn't take long to clean, either. The maids wash my wings for me, sending me into a laughing fit because it tickles! They have to hold them down in order to clean them, because they jump and twitch at the sensation of being combed.

Once I'm clean and dry (thanks to my elemental abilities), I allow the maids to help me with my dress and undergarments. The corset is placed over a thin, strapless slip made of soft fabric to prevent it from rubbing against my skin. I'm thankful for this, because I'm already going to have my organs temporarily rearranged. I don't need itching and subsequent inflammation on top of that.

After the corset, comes the dress. It's the same black, green and gold as all of my other dresses. This one is a mermaid cut, which explains the need for a corset. The natural curves I have are almost vertical without it. I can't breathe and I can't bend the way I want to, but holy crow, the back support! It's amazing and takes a lot of pressure off my spine, which is ironic because it's squeezing me.

Once I'm dressed and the maid ties my sandals, I'm led to the vanity table for my hair and makeup. My glasses are allowed to stay, since Asgard doesn't have contact lenses and I'd rather be ran over by a tank than try to wear them anyway. As a result, my eye makeup is very bold, as my glasses mute it a lot.

    My hair is done up into an intricate braided style and pinned on the back of my head. A silver wire is interlaced among the braids, contrasting with my own gold strands. Gold jewelry is placed around my neck and clipped onto my ears and I am soon ready to face the day.

    I meet Loki in the hallway and his eyes widen at the sight of me. I simply curtsey, bidding him a soft "Good morning, your Highness." It would have been louder, but I'm trying not to pass out in this corset, and that takes a lot of oxygen. He simply nods, his expression cool, and offers his arm. I take it and we start walking to breakfast.

    He looks down at me as we walk. "You look beautiful, Lady Tenshi," he tells me, using the title I only have on Asgard.

    I give him a small smile. "Thank you, your Highness," I reply. "You look amazing as well." But Loki always looks amazing. He could put on a garbage bag and still rock it. I don't have that natural beauty.

    We arrive at breakfast and Loki seats me at the table before he sits down himself. Thor, Odin and Frigga are already there. Odin tuts at me. "Already late? Disgraceful," he says, shaking his head.

    Remembering my etiquette lessons, I simply incline my head. "My humblest apologies, Allfather," I reply to him, my voice airy and light.

    Odin tilts his head. "Pardon? I didn't catch that." Oh, I know exactly what he's doing.

    "My humblest apologies, Allfather," I repeat louder. Unfortunately, that requires more oxygen than I have available and I cover my mouth with a napkin as I burst into a coughing fit. Curse this corset and its necessity! Loki hands me a chalice of water and I smile gratefully before taking a sip of the cool liquid. He returns the smile and rubs my back.

    Frigga looks at me in concern. "Are you alright, dear?" she asks gently.

    I nod. "I'm alright your Majesty. I just lost my breath for a moment."

    Odin scoffs and rolls his eyes. "You should be apologizing. Your behavior reflects on my son, which in turn reflects on the crown. We can't look bad in front of the people, or we'll lose their support. And a king is nothing without the support of his kingdom."

    I desperately want to say something to defend myself, but I hold my tongue. "Yes, Allfather," I say respectfully. "I'll get up earlier tomorrow."

    Odin gives me a cold nod. "See that you do," he says frigidly.

    Breakfast resumes and I keep silent under the barely veiled barbs Odin tosses my way. Loki is unable to defend me, either. He has to be the perfect son in order to win his father's favor, and it's not going well so far. I want so desperately to take his hand and squeeze it to encourage him, but I can't make him look weak in front of the court and the Allfather. This isn't Midgard, where your value is determined by how many people follow your social media. This is a warrior culture where your worth is derived from strength, popularity and how many enemies you can kill in one sitting.

   The odds are already against Loki, because he's a mage. He's not a muscular brute like Thor, but long and lean. Svelte. He doesn't charge into battle like Thor, either, swinging lightning and ruining the element of surprise. Loki is the element of surprise.

    Loki's perfectly built for quick, critical strikes, and then darting out of the way to avoid the blow of his opponent. He uses his brain more than his brawn and employs seiðr to vary his attacks. This sets him apart from the culture of Asgard. His reserved nature and preference for reading instead of brawling leaves him isolated, contrasting with Thor's booming social life. He doesn't get a chance to shine in this realm very often.

    I can't ruin this for him.

    Breakfast ends soon and I am immediately relieved. The court ladies wouldn't speak to me, knowing the mutual distaste between the Allfather and myself. So, I had no ability to practice my gossip and small talk. Deep topics and debates are reserved for men. And Loki is one of those men.

    Loki stands and pulls out my chair, offering his hand. I place mine on his palm and stand, surprisingly graceful with a corset on. He bows to the Allfather and kisses his mother's cheek. I curtsey to both. Frigga hugs him and then hugs me, surprising me again. I relax in her embrace. It's hard not to. She's gentle and warm, and her perfume smells amazing.

    After she bids us both a good day, Loki leads me from the hall. I know where he's going: the training grounds. He's trying to conform to the warrior culture by sharpening his fighting skills and working out. I don't go with him, letting him train in private. Hopefully, my absence will ease a little of the pressure on him. Besides, it's for the best.

    I'd only be a burden there anyway.

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