A Voice

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Scar paced the floor, trying to make sense of their situation. Cub was sitting on an oak log, deep in thought when Scar pulled him out of it.

"Wels saw us using magic."

Cub looked up at Scar, nodding.

"Yes, he did."

"What do we do about it?"

Scar asked, speaking quickly.

"I'm not sure. I guess all we have to do is make sure that he doesn't tell anyone else, and then we're fine."

Cub replied.

"How are you so calm?! What if he tells Xisuma? Then what?"

Panic filled Scar's voice. 

"I grew up with a lot of younger siblings, and when we were in danger, I had to remain calm so that they could be calm."

Cub explained.

"And now I'm being calm for you."

"Okay... but what if he does tell Xisuma?"

Scar asked, in a calmer tone.

"He seems like the type of person who can keep a secret, and will have good judgement about this situation."

Cub explained. 

"You sure about this?"

Scar tilted his head. 

"Sure as I can be. Just trust me Scar. We will be okay."

Cub stood up, teleporting over to Scar and giving him a hug, all in one swift motion.

"I trust you."

Scar hugged back, smiling.

"Enaeh would have trusted you too."

He added under his breath. 

They would both have to trust that Wels wouldn't tell anyone about what he had seen, before they could find him and tell him everything themselves. 

. . .

Wels stood in his mine shaft, trying to think of what his plan was.

Tell Xisuma. He will have answers to everything.

Wels shook his head, brushing the voice in his head aside. They looked scared when he saw them, so no one else must know about whatever he saw down there.

But Xisuma might have some answer to what they are.

Wels started to walk back up the stairs that led into his house.

I don't think that they want to see you right now.

You're right about that.

Wels told the voice, still speaking in his head. 

You're scared of them.

The voice said.

I'm not scared of them, per say, I'm just worried about who they really are. 

That's the same thing.

The voice in his head told him.

He reached the top of the stairs, and opened the chest in the middle of the room. 


Did this have something to do with Cub and Scar? 

Were those even their real names?

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