"Leader" Of The People

606 37 106

TW: Blood, injuries, Lots of blood, etc.

. . . 

15 years prior

The clock ticked. 

And it tocked. 

It kept moving, time along with it. 

Tick, tock. Tick tock. 

Along it went. 

The clock read 10:34. 

Scar still hadn't come home.

Enaeh sat by the window, determined to make sure that Scar got home safely. 

But he never appeared. 

Enaeh was getting worried. A meeting with the Leader, and now he hadn't come home? 

That was not a normal thing to happen.

Enaeh stood up out of her chair, and teleported into the council room, where she had left Scar.

She didn't care about all of the rules she was breaking. She needed to find her friend.

As Scar would have put it, "It's not breaking the rules if you don't get caught!"

But the leader would be there, so she would definitely get caught. 

She appeared behind a row of chairs, and ducked down. They hadn't seen her.

 The Leader was talking to someone, but it wasn't Scar. She couldn't see him there. The Leader was on the phone.

A type of phone that she had never seen before.

"Yes? ...I know that! ...I have a perfect plan, and it will get you all 152 of those creatures!"

The Leader told the person on the other end of the line.

"Okay, let me lay it out for you. I became Leader on their 'Council' or whatever. I just said that I was Leader, and they apparently don't question these things. Yeah, I sent out people in groups of two, to patrol the borders, giving them time away from the community to speak there mind, and not care about the rules. Only one of them did so. His name is Scar, and he was sent to patrol the border with his friend, Ee-neeha, or whatever."

Are they mispronouncing my name on purpose, or do they not care?

Enaeh thought, frowning.

"I monitored them, and Scar constantly  talks about how he breaks the rules, and how there are other groups of Vexlings out there. They all have names as well, different clans. He wants to go there, so he must know where they are! He told me everything he knows. I'll get us all of the Vexlings, sir."

The "Leader" said.

Enaeh was panicking. Where was Scar now? What did they do to him?

She peeked around the corner of the chairs, and saw something that almost made her scream.

There was Scar, out clean on the floor. White as a ghost. Unconscious, and in a pool of blood. 

. . . 

Present day

Scar was setting up some basic tents and a wagon for his western themed base, when his neighbor Wels walked up to him.

"Morning Scar!"

Wels waved.

"Hey Wels, how are you?"

Scar asked politely. 

"Pretty good, you?"

"I'm good."

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