The Understanding

469 36 18

15 years prior

. . . 

<GoodTimeWithScar joined the game>

Scar opened his eyes, the brightness of the sun tempting him to close them again.

He sat up, wincing at the sudden pain that moved through his chest. He looked down, seeing thick layers of gauze wrapped around him.

He tilted his head, trying to think of what caused it.

Scar shuddered, remembering the feeling of the sword slicing him.

It still hurt, though not as much as when it happened. 

Then everything came flooding back to him.


He whispered, frantically looking around, only to find that he was no longer in the council room with his friend.

He was sitting in a grassy field, large trees towering above him. 

"No, no, no, no, no!"

Scar's eyes went wide, and tears clouded his vision .


He yelled, a pleading in his voice.

He banged his fists on the ground, over and over again until his hands hurt, letting a sob escape from his lips.

He wrapped his arms around himself, desperately trying to find comfort, as tears rolled down his cheeks.

She was gone. 

And he was alone, with no way back.

. . .

Cub decided that it would be best to start from the beginning.

"To put it simply, we are Vexlings." 

He stated, as Wels started to back away slowly with his hands out in front of him, as if it was what he was taught to do. 

"Before you say anything,"

Scar quickly stepped forward.

"We know that you have been taught that Vexlings are evil. Everyone fears us. But they don't understand us!"

He looked at the ground, then back up at Wels.

"Scientifically speaking, Vexlings are a species that is a mix between Humans and Vexs. We mainly have the physical appearance of Humans, as well as most of the anatomy. The difference between Humans and Vexlings is our abilities. Vexlings have the ability to teleport, which you have witnessed, along with walking through solid things, such as walls, controlling and using the souls and their energy-"

Cub explained, as Wels' eyes grew wide in fear when he mentioned controlling souls.

"Don't worry! We don't take people's souls! That is common misconception. We have access to souls from the past, present, and future, should we need them, but we only really use ones from the past. We control them, and use them to bend time, allowing us to teleport, as well as other things. Some things would take a while to explain..."

Scar trailed off.

"Okay... So you're telling me that you two are Vexlings, and that you aren't going to try and kill me?"

Wels tilted his head, obviously very confused. 

"Well, we are Vexlings. We were never going to kill you in the first place, and no other Vexling would."

Cub confirmed. 

"If more people would realize that then maybe she would still be alive..."

Scar whispered, just loud enough that Wels could hear it. 


Just then Wels realized what they were trying to tell him. 

"Humans are taught to fear Vexlings. Fear what they don't understand. Blame the innocent..."

He stepped forward and wrapped his arms tightly around Scar, who had tears streaming down his cheeks. 

"I am so, so sorry... You two are wonderful people, and shouldn't be discriminated against. No Vexling should."

"Thank you."

Scar whispered.

"Do you think Xisuma would realize that Vexlings aren't evil?"

Wels asked, looking at Cub as he pulled away from the hug.

"I don't think anything could change his mind. He is a Vexling tracker, his job is to kill us. He wouldn't be very happy at the thought of our existence."

Cub shook his head.

"What should I tell Xisuma when he arrives?"

Wels questioned.

Just then a knock was heard on the door.

Scar froze, as a look of terror washed over his face. 

"You will have to figure that out on your own."

Cub grabbed Scar's hand, and the two teleported out of the room, leaving Wels alone in the mist of blue.


A voice came from outside of the door.

"Oh shoot..."

. . .

-Rain <3

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