The Vexena Clan

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The sun rose over the horizon.

 It was a new day, and Scar was going to make sure that it would be a good one. He got out of bed, stretching his arms above his head. Scar smiled. He always liked the mornings. A fresh day and a new chance. 

New chances are not a thing beings like him can normally can get. The second one of your kind makes a mistake, they blame everyone who even slightly resembles the wrong doer. Scar has watched his some of his friends be dragged away, for something they didn't do.

Scar remembered his best friend, Enaeh. She was kind, and liked to joke around with him. Her hair was a fiery orange, and her eyes were an emerald green. 

Scar missed her. He would do anything to see her again.

A memory flashes before his eyes.

. . .

15 years prior

"Scar! Scar, where are you?"

Enaeh called out into the trees.

"Are you blind? I'm right in front of you!"

Scar chuckled, appearing directly in front of the girl. She stumbled backwards, frighted for a second before realizing that it was just her friend. 

"Scar, you can't do that!"

The girl sat upwards, laughing slightly.

"Course I can! I just did it right now!"

Scar reached his hand down and pulled his friend up to a standing position.

"I mean your not allowed to use teleportation for the fun of it. If we were allowed to use it like that, I would, believe me."

Enaeh brushed herself off, glancing at Scar mischievously. 

"Ha, I know you would. It's just... why not? You can't lock a Vexling a room an just expect them not to walk through the walls!"

Scar threw his hands in the air.

"Wait... you have been walking through walls again?!? Scar, this is how you get captured!"

Enaeh sounded panicked, but she still had an underline of softness to her voice. 

Scar took off his coat, and dropped it on the ground.

"Hey, relax! Who would want to capture us?"

Scar tried to brush away the thought. 

"Vexling Trackers, Scar. It is their Job to hunt and kill Vexlings."

Enaeh told him.

"I... I know. I just want to live a normal life. Plus, I have never seen one before in my entire life, so I don't think they are much of a problem."

Scar wrapped his arm around Enaeh's shoulder.

"But I-"

"Enaeh. Relax." 

Scar smiled sweetly, as Enaeh took a deep breath.

"Your right. I just... please don't scare me like that. Promise me, Scar."

Enaeh said, looking straight into Scar's emerald green eyes with her own.

"I promise."

Scar told her, sitting down on his coat, and bringing her down with him.

"Alright then."

Enaeh held out her hand for a fist bump. Scar returned it, smiling.

Enaeh's emerald green eyes matched Scar's, twinkling in the sunlight. Her hair, unlike Scar's, was a bright, fiery orange. It was curly, and formed many tight ringlets. It was pulled up into a ponytail. She had pale skin, and light freckles covered her from head to toe. She wore a dark green tank-top, with blue jeans. 

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