The Footage

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Xisuma took a deep breath, his mask filtering the air into something that wouldn't burn his lungs.

He had pulled up various holographic screens in front of him.

"Something doesn't add up..."

Xisuma had been working at this for hours. The mechanical whirring of his helmet was going to drive him insane.

Why was he doing this again? Oh, right...

X reviewed the footage of him entering Wels' house. His helmet came equipped with a camera for the purpose of capturing Vexlings. It was on constantly, but only saved footage that could lead to a Vexling being involved.

Then why was Wels the subject of this video?

After countless hours of messing with the footage, X saw something.

"Blue mist... and its around Wels?"

He zoomed in on the stillframe. There was blue mist for sure, which can only mean one thing: A vexling was on his server.

Now that he thought about it, Wels was acting strange. He opened up about hearing voices.

Was a Vexling hurting him?

Was that what the voices were?

Is Wels a Vexling?

The last question made him stop.

"Of course Wels isn't a Vexling. He is kind and human and he needs my help! He is the victim here!"

Xisuma found himself shouting, the whirring of his helmet getting louder.

He needed a break.

He couldn't remember the last time he slept.

But he needed to keep his Hermits safe. That was his job. He was the Admin.

He needed to focus. There was a Vexling on his server. It couldn't have been any of the old members; he had known them for too long. It had to have been someone new.

That narrowed it down to 5 possible options: Beef, Iskall, Ren, Cub, and Scar.

He opened up his communicator and typed a message into a private chat.

<New Chat Created>

<XisumaVoid> I hope your first few weeks on the server have been great! We do need to have a chat. Meet me at spawn tomorrow at 8:00 a.m. It is vital to the safety of the server.


Hey y'all! Its been a bit. Life has been happening.

I found a sliver of motivation for another chapter.

I am thinking about rewriting this book with some new ideas in mind and then uploading it to Ao3.

-Lyn <3

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14 ⏰

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