A Warm Welcome

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The sun was bright, sending a blinding glare into Scar's eyes. He raised his hand above his eyes to block out the suns glare, and to try and see where he was. It looked to be a Mesa, stretching on for miles in every direction.

And he wasn't alone. Xisuma stood on his right, and many other people stood in around them. People he didn't know. He suddenly felt nervous.

"Hey X! Welcome back!"

A zombie-looking woman greeted. She reminded Scar of Enaeh, with the Fiery orange hair, and the wide smile.

"Thanks Cleo!"

Xisuma replied.

Scar pieced together that the Zombie-girl's name must be Cleo then.

Scar looked around at all of the faces pointed on him.

"Oh, This is Scar. He will be joining us this season."

Xisuma told them, as he pointed at Scar.


Scar said quietly. He was scared, though he didn't know why. 

"Don't worry, you aren't the only one joining us this season."

Xisuma reassured. 

"Come on then. Let's meet the newbies and start this thing!"

A woman with long blond hair and goggles on her head chuckled.

Various cheers of agreement broke out in the small crowd of people there. 

"Alright then! My name is Xisumavoid, and welcome to HermitCraft Season 4!"

Xisuma announced.

I loud cheer roared over the people and Xisuma smiled.

"This season, our new Hermits are Welsknight..."

Xisuma pointed to man with long blonde hair that was pulled up into a ponytail. He wore shiny knights armor.


Wels greeted.


Xisuma pointed to a man who had dark hair and a beard, with a white apron that was stained red in many patches from things Scar didn't want to guess about.


Beef greeted.


Xisuma pointed to a man who looked to be half-dog. He had a goatee and sunglasses, and wore jeans, a red shirt, and suspenders. He also had dog ears and a tail, which Scar was confused by, but just went with it.


Ren seemed to be radiating energy. 


Xisuma pointed to a man who had a robotic left eye. He wore a lime green sweatshirt and a brown vest.


Iskall smiled. 


Xisuma pointed to a man wearing a lab coat. He was bald, and had a long gray beard, but from the way the start of the beard was starting to turn brown, Scar could tell that he dyed it. He didn't look that old at all.


Cub smiled. He looked Scar in the eyes for a second, before looking back at Xisuma.

"And last but not least, GoodTimesWithScar!"

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