The Ally

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It was around mid-day when Wels showed up at Scar's camp. 

Though this time, he wasn't alone. Walking next to Wels was someone, who looked to be wearing a lab coat. Scar recognized him as Cub, who Wels had told him that he should meet. 

"Hey Scar!"

Wels greeted, waving his hand as he approached.


Scar smiled softly. Although he tried to be louder, his greeting came out of his mouth at the same, quiet volume that he usually spoke at. 

"I brought by someone you should meet! You remember Cub, don't you?"

Wels gestured the man standing next to him.


Cub nodded in Scar's direction, his hands in his pockets. He wasn't as quiet as Scar, but his words were still soft, and gentle. 


Scar spoke up slightly when he saw the look he got from Wels. The knight gave Scar a nod of approval when he picked up his volume. 

"I will be just over the hill at my base if you need anything. You two have fun."

Wels smiled brightly, before leaving the two alone.

Scar gave Wels a small wave before looking back at Cub.

Cub seemed to be looking around Scar's camp, taking in the unique building style.

Scar sat down on a wooden log that was laid around an unlit campfire. He motioned for Cub to do the same.

"The terraforming you have done here is incredible."

Cub noted, after siting down on the log next to Scar.

"Thank you. It's not my best, but considering the materials I had for this, I think I did a pretty good job."

Scar said, his voice quiet again without Wels there to remind him to speak up.

"Well this is better than anything I could ever do! Even for a starter base, you still found a way to give it life."

Cub smiled. His voice had also quieted after Wels had left. This made Scar think that he wasn't the only one that Wels was giving lessons to. 

Scar smiled in return.

"Can I ask you a question?"

Cub tilted his head.

"Go ahead."

Scar nodded, remembering the way Cub had looked at him on the first day.

Is he a Vexling Tracker?

Scar thought. He pushed the thought aside as Cub spoke up.

"How did you come to join HermitCraft?"

Cub asked. 

"Oh, well Xisuma found a disturbance in my world, but he couldn't locate where the Vexling was, so he brought me here."

Scar told him.

"Same thing happened to me. Was there anyone else in your world?"

Cub asked.

"Just me. I lived alone in that world for around 10 years."

Scar answered.

"But if you were the only person in that world, and Xisuma found a disturbance, what do you think that means?"

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