Defenseless Child

432 28 18


15 years prior 

Fat tears rolled down Enaeh's face, streaking her cheeks. 

She sat in silence for a few moments, staring at the place where her closest friend once laid. His blood was still splattered upon the wall and floor. 

She did what she had to do.

Slowly, she got to her feet, wiping her eyes with a shaky hand. The Vexling Trackers could be here any minute now.


She thought, eyes widening. 

'The Vexling Trackers could be here any minute now! I have to warn as many people as I can, and try to get them out of here!'

She flung open the doors of the Council Room and sprinted down the street, filled with a new motivation. 

"Hey kid!"

Enaeh stumbled into a little boy gathering water from the town well. 

"You need to run, now! Get as far away from here as possible!"

Enaeh looked into his eyes, grabbing him by the shoulders before pushing him away.

"O-okay...what about my family? And my puppy, Malix?"

The boy looked scared, eyes wide.

"Don't worry about them right now, just go!"

She pushed the boy toward in the direction of the woods and he hesitantly ran off, looking back a few times longingly.

Enaeh kept going, running to every house that she could, and finding everyone that could be saved.

It wasn't enough.

Humans in armored uniforms and helmets stormed through the clan, destroying everything in their path. The buildings went up in flames, as the Vexling trackers synchronized slaughtering left screams hanging in the air.

She looked around in terror, seeing the life drain from people's eyes.

Bodies were being dragged away, most likely for testing or some nonsense.

Friendly faces she recognized were now lifeless husks, covered in blood.

It was a massacre. 

Fire blazed through the town, burning many, who didnt know how to counter it.

Screams and whispers of goodbyes echoed, as she saw the "Leader" standing back and smiling.

How could these people be so cruel?

Enaeh felt a tug at her shirt, and spun around, heart beating, ready to attack.

It was the little boy from earlier, clutching a little golden retriever puppy in his arms.

He was limping, blood stains on his side. He looked like he was fading.

"Couldn't... leave...Malix..."

The boy coughed, as blood dripped from his mouth.

"Save her... for me?"

The child fell to the ground, tears in his eyes.

She looked at the defenseless child's body, and the small dog that whimpered in his arms, licking his face.

Enaeh couldn't move.

She couldn't do anything. 

She was just a kid herself, barely 14 years old. 

She was alone, and she was scared.

But she had to do something.

She kneeled down to the boy, closing his eyes, and positioning his body in a more comfortable position. She picked up the dog from his arms.

"⎓ꖎ|| ⍑╎⊣⍑, ꖎ╎ℸ ̣ ℸ ̣ ꖎᒷ ʖ╎∷↸."

She whispered the blessing, and waved her hand over his body.

His body evaporated into a blue mist, and went back into the universe. 

She never even knew his name. 

She got to her feet, and held the puppy tight.

"I will protect her."

Enaeh wasn't sure if the boy would be able to hear her promise from wherever people go when they die, but she hoped she could carry out his wish.

Enaeh bolted into the woods, using some Vexling magic to conceal her body as much as she could. She was lucky that she Scar was a rule-breaker, because if he didnt experiment with his magic so much, she wouldn't even know that she could do this. She felt bad for all the Vexlings that could never learn.

"Malix, was it?"

The dog look up at her, still whimpering from having to leave her boy behind.

"It's okay Malix, he wanted me to take care of you, so I will. He loved you very much."

She whispered.

She hadn't even thought about her own family. 

She didn't want to. 

Surviving was more important right now.


-Rain <3

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