The Leader

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. . .

15 years prior

Scar and Enaeh chased each other through the town, twisting around the buildings to to get to the Council on time. Being late was not acceptable.

They crashed through the door, interrupting the the other Border Patrols giving reports.


Scar quickly yelled, before grabbing a seat in the corner of the room. Enaeh followed behind.

"Those two..."

The leader of the clan,  Leader Vexena, whispered before continuing with the others.

A few minutes pasted before they were finally called up to give a report.

" 'Scar' Vexena, and Enaeh Vexena."

The leader called their names and they both stood up, making their way to the front of the room.

The name 'Scar' was just a nickname, but it was used so much it might as well be his real one.

The two stood in front of their leader, and quickly bowed, before getting a signal to begin their report.

"We saw three birds fly over the southeastern border. At 2:43 P.M." 

Enaeh began, looking down at the notes she had scribbled on the back of her hand to make sure that she didn't miss anything.

"Okay then. Anything else?"

Leader Vexena asked.

"Nope. Pretty uneventful day."

Scar answered, looking down and fidgeting with his hands.

Enaeh elbowed him, and Scar straightened up. He forgot that they were in front of the Leader.

"Oh, sorry."

Scar muttered.

"That's all I need from you two. You are dismissed."

Leader Vexena announced.

The two turned around and started to walk away, when the Leader spoke again.

"Actually, wait. Scar, I need you to stay here for a bit. I need to talk to you."

Leader Vexena added.

Scar stopped in his tracks, frozen. 

What could the Leader possibly want from him?

Scar thought, as he slowly turned around. A priviate meeting with the Leader was almost never good news.

"Scar, good luck in there."

Enaeh patted him on the back before sprinting out of the building and down the road. She didn't want to get caught in anything.

Scar slowly walked towards the Council.

"D-did I do something wrong?"

Scar stuttered, nervously. 

There was no answer. 

Only a slight wave of a hand that dismissed the rest of the council, leaving just Scar and Leader Vexena. The doors shut behind them. Scar felt trapped, and nervous. 

Of course he could easily walk through the wall, or teleport out of there, but they were not allowed to do that. And in front of the Leader, well that would get you in a lot of trouble.

Leader Vexena stood up from their seat, and came over to Scar.

"...Leader Vexena?"

Scar asked.

Still no response.

The Leader wrapped their arms around Scar, pulling him into a hug.

Scar hesitantly hugged back, confused.

"I'm sorry."

The Leader finally spoke. 

"For...for what?"

Scar asked. 

Silence followed.

The Leader let go of the hug, and looked Scar in the eyes.

"For what happens next."

Leader Vexena spoke softly.

And Scar's world went black.

. . .

Present Day

Scar had finished packing up his belongings, and was prepared to leave to... where ever he was going. 

He walked towards where he had last seen Xisuma, and went inside the building.


Scar called into the house.


Xisuma peeked around the corner to see who it was. Even though they were the only two in this world.

The man was now wearing full armor.

"Hey Xisuma!"

Scar greeted.


Xisuma walked towards Scar, smiling.

"Are you ready to leave?"

Xisuma asked. 

"Yep! how do we get there?"

Scar asked, a little confused.

"I can teleport us. Though I know that you have never experienced teleportation before, so quick warning, it'll feel a little weird."

Xisuma, patted Scar on the shoulder.

Scar nodded slowly, trying not to show his concern. 

Scar had teleport-ed before. Many times. But Xisuma didn't know that, so he would have to act like it felt weird, when it really felt comforting. Like home. 

"Okay then."

Scar said.

"Grab my hand, and I will teleport us."

Xisuma instructed. Scar did so.


Xisuma counted down.


And with that, Xisuma and Scar disappeared from the world, and began to join another. 

Xisuma's next words echoed in Scar's mind.

"Scar, welcome to HermitCraft!"

. . .

-Broken <3

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