In Remembrance

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. . .

Scar sat in his tent, Jellie on his lap.

He just stared at the canvas wall, trying to make his mind go blank.

" Scar? Hello?"

The voice reached his ears. When he looked up, he was met with Cub's warm face.

"Hey, Cub."

His voice was barely a whisper.

"What's wrong? I promise you that Wels didn't tell Xisuma. We are safe here, I know it."

Cub sat down beside Scar, giving Jellie a little chin scratch.

"No, it's not that. It's just-... today is February 19th."

Cub remained silent, waiting for him to continue.

"It's the day that the Vexling Trackers took her. I know it's dumb, but I have this gut feeling that she is still out there. Enaeh is smart, she could have run, I know it-"

Cub wrapped his arms around his friend.

"I know it's hard, but you need to let go. I don't want you getting your hopes up."

Cub's words echoed in Scar's mind.

Let go.

. . .

"Y-you have to get out of here..."

Enaeh whispered.

"Don't go..."

Scar pleaded.

"Goodbye Scar. I love you like a brother."

. . .

Scar burst into tears, clutching his friend tighter.

Big, hot tears streamed down his face, as he tried to speak.


Cub cut him off.

"It's okay, Scar. I am right here, don't try to hurt yourself. I know you miss her."

Jellie sat up and tried to lick the tears off Scar's face, her sandpaper-like tongue scratching against his cheek.

Scar couldn't bring himself to speak, all noise dying in his throat. He just cried and cried, holding onto his friend tightly.

The sound of footsteps came from outside the tent.

The figure peaked inside, before realizing it was occupied and started to leave.

All Scar saw was her bright red hair.

He just sobbed.

. . .

15 years ago

Enaeh sat by the fire cooking a fish she caught, and petting Malix.

It had been 2 weeks since she ran. 2 weeks since she last saw him.

She had managed to set up a camp outside the border, and had evaded the trackers by hiding. She knew she had to leave this world; There was no way she could stay here for much longer. They would find her sooner or later.

Malix snored slightly against Enaeh, before jerking awake, only to fall asleep again.

That poor boy...

"Nope, don't think about that right now."

She muttered under her breath, before poking the fish with a stick, seeing if it was done.

Scar was the one who taught her how to cook. He was surprisingly a good cook, despite his reluctance to step within 5 feet of a fire on his own. He always cared about the safety of those around him, triple checking that no one would get hurt by the fire.

Scar was always so sweet-

"Stop it Enaeh, you need to move on."

She shook her head, tears starting to swell in her eyes.

Where was he?

Was he safe?

Did they find him?

Enaeh just hoped she could see him again.

. . .


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