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Hinata rocked back and forth on his heels as he watched the two setters glare at each other. "This is why Kenma is my favorite setter," he grumbled and cut between them.

("Suga? What's wrong?" Daichi asks as he passed his friend his opened water bottle.

Sugawara rubbed lightly at his chest. "I...I don't know. There was just a sudden imbalance for a moment,")

"What!" they simultaneously yelped. Oikawa pushed his junior lightly as he looked at his boyfriend.

Kageyama slapped his hand away. "You don't even talk to him, much less practice,"

Hinata paused in his movements. He rolled up the sleeves of his (Oikawa's) oversized hoodie and pointed a black painted fingernail at Kageyama. "I beg your pardon! We are married with not one, not three, but two successful children in The Sims!"

Oikawa scrunched his eyebrows, wondering what that meant for him.

"You're a literal fucking dumbass," Kageyama sighed as he sat on a bench. He pulled out his headphones and went to turn on the recorded podcast of the France verses Germany match.

Hinata chirped as he took Oikawa's hand: "Still not dumb enough for you to leave me," Kageyama lightly scoffed and pressed play on his podcast.

The three males were currently waiting outside of a small sweets shop that they were known by name at. "I wish they would hurry up so I can get some daifuku already," the redhead pouted. He and his boyfriend had arrived together. Kageyama showed up shortly after them.

"What do you expect them to do? Hijack the bus?" Oikawa chuckled as he looked down at the Middle Blocker.

"No...but Kenma would totally do it if he was irritated enough,"

"I think I should feel threatened,"

"Kenma is threatening," Kageyama offered his two cents.

At that moment, Hinata jumped and waved themselves out with a big smile. He happily bounced away from the company he arrived with to greet the other teammates. "I'm surprised Tsukki isn't glued to your hip today,"

Yamaguchi beamed. "As much as I love and adore Tsukki," his bright smile dropped and he glanced to the side, "he's a bitch, and he's in one of his moods today,"

Yachi gave a soft snort and Hinata rolled his eyes. "I can't say I expected him to come in the first place, that buzzkill,"

"Iwa-chan says he's stuck in traffic and told us to go ahead and order for him," Yamaguchi gave Kageyama a questioning look. The setter raised his eyebrows and tugged out an earbud.

"You're fucked," Yamaguchi mouthed over at him as he held the door open for Yachi and Kageyama.

Kageyama stopped at the door and hissed. "But I didn't do anything!" Yamaguchi shook his head and gave the setter a light shove.

Hinata skipped over to the counter to greet his friend and the cashier. "Jikaru! Is there anything new?" he hummed as he looked at the display. The girl began working as a baker in the small shop soon after her move to Miyagi.

The shop was warm and cozy. There was an excessive amount of fake plants decorating the walls, and real ones hanging over the counter. The lighting was minimal; the main light source being fairy lights that hung from the rafters.

"Shortcake Shots," she tapped her nail on the glass, "It's basically a doughnut hole, but it's strawberry shortcake with jelly filling,"

"Never heard of those," Oikawa rested his hands on Hinata's head and peaked over him. "Did you see my text?"

Jikaru scoffed as she started to tie her curly hair back. "You texted me at the ass-crack of dawn, of course I got your fuckin' text,"

Yamaguchi barked a laugh from the filled pastries section. Oikawa raised his eyebrows. "Well?"

"Yeah, yeah, I'm goin' to get your bread now, Weirdo," she waved a dismissive hand over her shoulder as she retreated to the back.


Hinata groaned as he lost Pick Up for the fifth time against Yachi. "How are you so good at this game?! Are you reading my mind?!" he accused her.

"You don't have a mind to read," Kageyama said, pausing in his ramble about the parfait's at the shop to Yamaguchi. They were all seated by one of the large storefront windows that was lined by real plants.

Hinata over dramatically gasped and clutched his imaginary pearls. "Yamayama...why are you so mean to me," he rested his head on Oikawa's shoulder.

"'Cause you're a dumbass,"

"Simply," Jiraku chirped as she brought over their baked goods. Hinata pouted and snatched the Shortcake Shots from his friends dark hands. She playfully sneered at him before handing Yachi her Sundae.

There was a light chime from the front of the shop as a customer entered. "Good afternoon," he greeted and lightly hit the back of Oikawa's head.

"Iwazumi-senpai," Yamaguchi greeted the man as he sat down his phone. Kageyama would've choked on his parfait if he'd had any in his mouth. He nodded at his senior, weary of his speaking abilities.

Yachi gave him a simple greeting that was spoken over by Oikawa's flamboyant, "Iwa-chan!"

The oldest hummed as he pulled a chair over to the table.  "I know he ordered you a Crepe, but I brought out the Mousse Chocolate Cake you usually get. Is that okay?" Jikaru lowered the tray to Iwazumi's eye level.

"That is perfect, you godsend," he sighed as he glared at Oikawa.

The chatter at the table picked back up with the exception of Kageyama, who was too busy trying to ward off Yamaguchi's teasing. "I never knew that they served parfaits here. Are they good?"

Kageyama took one look at the gentle smile on the Ace's face and maybe he kinda understands how Hinata feels about Oikawa a little better than he did before. "It-um...yeah, yo-they're great,"

"A saga of gay," Jikaru sighed as she restocked the cinnamon rolls in the display. Her co-worker lightly giggled and playfully shoved her back to her station in the kitchen.

a/n: yeah imma bout to make this shit happen. i'm going to rewrite this entire first half at some point bc i wasn't taking it seriously bc i wasn't expecting it to blow up like this :/

   — edaé💛

   — edaé💛

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