it's the lack of nicknames for me

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Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck— "Are you okay, Oikawa?"

He just wanted to scream, no, I'm not o-fucking-kay I'm going through a heart arrhythmia, but he had to keep his head screwed on tight. "I'm okay! What did you want to talk about?"

oh fuck, he didn't use a nickname, Hinata really didn't know why, but Oikawa not using a cutesy, teasing nickname really solidified what he was about to do. The decoy took a deep breath while fiddling with his fingers.

Oikawa leaned against the wall of the cafeteria doorway to try and appear more relaxed. Fuck, I didn't use a nickname, he internally cringed.

"I really like you, Oikawa," he said with the rest of his courage. "I mean, I personally feel like I was kinda obvious about it, but then you kissed me and panicked about it? I dunno, but another thing is our age gap and I'm not too sure if you're comfortable with that either..."

Oikawa tuned out Hinata's muttering, a skill he'd learned from ignoring Iwazumi and his nephew, holy fucking shit, he thought and grabbed his juniors hands gently. "Holy fucking shit! H-Hinata I've wanted you since you tried to knock my head off with your crazy quick!"

They both stood there with nothing but the sound of teammates talking a few yards away with Kenma lowly threatening Kuro to return his Switch and another group fighting over meat. "What do we do now? I've never gotten this far," Hinata said with the same giddy expression on his face.

"I have no idea, but I'm sure we'll figure it out," Oikawa pulled Hinata closer to him and gingerly held his face in his hand. "Hell, I always do," he chuckled against Hinata's lips.

This was a kiss for the camera.

Hinata could practically feel the camera getting the close up and the cheap fireworks edited in. He could hear the coming of age indie movie music playing as he wrapped his arms around Oikawa's broad shoulders.

There were some quiet footsteps rounding the corner and they exclaimed. "Oh, my bad," Jikaru waved before doing a double-take. "Oh fuck! Yes! Fuck yeah! Sugawara!" she yelled and dashed back from where she came from.

Oikawa blinked. The fuck was that, he thought to himself while his newly declared partner groaned. "I'm gonna die~" he whined and half-heartedly stomped his feet.

"Hey! You haven't even been my boyfriend for five minutes yet," the setter joked and squeezed Hinata's waist.

They both jumped when someone tumbled around the corner. They realized it was Nishinoya as he landed in the perfect receiving position and pointed at the both of them. "Fuck you! But also congratulations!" he yelled with tears in his eyes and a thumbs up before running off.


this is shit i'm sorry i promise i'll fix it.
um check out "! fucking nasty bitch !" or "hot tub DREAM machine - k. tsukishima" on my account i promise they're better than this

- edaé💛

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