kiss this love?

215 11 0

There was a sharp whistle in the gym and then the coach yelled something I couldn't really hear. "Alright, we're shagging today, guys," Daichi said and the team hustled around the court for balls.

I huffed as I put the last of the volleyballs in a cart. You'd figure with all this new technology we wouldn't have to run a football field to pick up balls. "Chibi-chan," My head turned from the cart to the voice that came from the entrance.

I could practically hear Sugawara and Jikaru cheering 'get some!' in my head. "We need help getting ice from the trucks, they just pulled up so we need to hurry!" He grabbed my wrist and pulled me out the door.

"I'll be back for lunch guys!" I smiled over my shoulder at my team and followed. He slightly loosened his grip on my wrist and let my hand slip into his. I had to desperately fight the goofy smile that wanted to make its way onto my face.

'We' were the team managers and the men who drove the truck. It didn't take long considering there were seven of us. I ended up jumping in and out of the truck along with Yachi to hand off stuff. "This is the last of it! Shouldn't be too difficult, right?" He smiled at me with the same smile his fans swooned at and Iwaizumi-senpai insulted him for.

I handed off a bag of ice to him and Yachi, and decided to take in the last two for myself. I could barely see above the bags, so I had to stretch my head to look around them. And the wind was knocked out of me.

I grabbed onto whatever I bumped into as I lost balance, and it started falling too. "I would say you've fallen for me, but I'm on the ground too," holy shit that was a person. Holy shit that was the Grand King. hoLY SHIT THE GRAND KING IS ON TOP OF ME—

I couldn't move. I was being weighed down by six pounds of ice and a really attractive man who probably has inferiority issues. Apparently, neither of us could move. It was so still, and the only thing convincing me it was real was the sting of the ice on my chest and lap. I opened my eyes because they were closed at some point, and stared at our biggest rival in his face. He was there. Inches from my face and nothing but some bags of ice and his arm strength separating us. I heard him mumble something before he shifted. I kinda wish we could stay like this a little—then I could count every pore on his face (and that's saying a lot. They were practically invisible).

People usually describe kisses like 'Their lips were soft' (they were), or 'It felt like fireworks were going off' (there was gravel digging into my back and ice freezing my entire chest). I can't really say the same as the rom-coms or chick flicks—mainly because I was in shock. In any case it was great, and exactly on brand for me.

"Fuck...I-I'm sorry I shouldn't have—" I grabbed the sides of his shirt and tried to hold back a laugh. "Are you crying? I'm so sorry,"

I let out a loud laugh and opened my eyes. "N-no, I just," I took in a breath to calm myself, "I laugh when I'm nervous...and happy," I took another breath and opened my eyes with a small smile.


a/n: i'm...not sure about this one. i might re-write it in third person bc i'm actual trash at anything else :/

- edae

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