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Oikawa huffed as his body refused to let him go back to sleep. It was fine, he didn't need to be unconscious to be comfortable. He tightened his grip on his partner and tucked his face into the meeting point of their neck and shoulder. He laid there for who knows how long before he felt the younger check their phone.

"Oh my fucking god!" He blurted as he fumbled to get out of bed. "Why didn't you wake me up?!" Oikawa chuckled when he heard the younger's voice crack.

He sat up and felt the cool air hit his bare chest. "I thought you guys were off today too," he hummed. The redhead in the bathroom growled in the back of his throat as he aggressively brushed his teeth.

"'e ive n' ow iffnt—" ("We live in two different--") Hinata paused to spit, "Districts! Not to mention that you're in secondary school!"

Toru sighed as he stood and gave his boyfriend his school bag. "My bad. Love you," He kissed the crown of the decoy's head and received a kiss on the cheek in return.

"Love you, too," Oikawa opened the closet after Shoyou left in search of his Tokyo University hoodie, but only saw his boyfriend's worn, yellow one and smirked.

He grabbed an oversized shirt with stars and ufo's as the pattern. "He's going to hate me," he laughed to himself as he waved Mrs. Hinata his farewell as he went into town.


Shoyou adjusted his sleeves for the third time that morning as he hurried into the club room. Believe it or not, but it was only his third time being late this semester. The team hadn't even started warming up, so he couldn't even be considered late.

"Sho-kun, did you get a new hoodie?" Yamaguchi asked as he tied his shoes. The redhead paused as he looked at his clothes. He flushed when he realized that it was Toru's.

Tsukishima laughed at his expression. "Or maybe he stole someone else's,"

Kageyama paused before he left when Hinata took off his school jacket. "Is that...Oikawa-san's? Are you fucking our rival?!"

"What? No!" The oldest second year said in the most believable voice he could manage. It didn't do him much good.

"His name is on the back, and it has his stupid alien pin on the hood!" The setter argued as he hit the hood with his water bottle.

Shoyou held his hands in a surrendering gesture. "Tobio, hear me out,"

The raven grunts and crosses his arms impatiently. "The sex is great—" Hinata ducked as a shoe was thrown at his head. Tanaka threw his hands up and scoffed.

"Gross! Dumbass Hinata!" Kageyama punched his best friend in the side. "This is treason!" He barked looking at Ennoshita, their team captain, and demanding he say something.

He regained his composure and responded. "We're a volleyball team, not a country at war, Hinata can date, or fuck whoever he likes," Tsukishima adjusted his athletic glasses and attempted to stop shaking with laughter to wrap his fingers. "And it hasn't interfered with our playing, so you shouldn't really care,"

Hinata ran his fingers across the back of his undercut when he finished changing. "I won't tell them about Iwazumi-kun," He teased before he ran to the court.

"I knew it was a bad idea! And he's friends with Jikaru! He's basically a demon spawn now," he gripped to no specific person.

"Says the other half of the freak duo?" Tsukishima scoffed with one earbud in his ear blasting Africa by Toto.

Kageyama ran his hands across his face. "Apparently the only half with sanity,"

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