shrines + hypemen

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"If we date I want it to work out so bad, but I've never seen a healthy romantic relationship," Hinata confessed to Jikaru as he sat outside the Karasuno team's room. "And I know enough to not trust the chick flicks,"

Jikaru sighed. "It's a matter of communication and trust and whether or not the two of you can balance the other out," She cracked a couple knuckles, "and if i'm being honest, the inevitable long distance will be hard on the both of you.

I shouldn't be one to talk, but I've seen my fair share of hopeless relationships, and neither of you give off red flags. The fact that he's given you space, but hasn't completely ignored you is really fucking rare. I think that even if your relationship doesn't last, both of you will walk away with a lesson worth hurting over,"

Hinata blinked at one of his best friends. The one who tries to fit in an obscure or inappropriate joke every time she communicates with anyone. The one who apparently had very well thought out relationship advice. "Holy shit you're right,"

"I'm always fucking right,"

Hinata laughed quietly and got up from the floor. Who knew a three AM talk would be so productive? He and Jikaru exchanged goodbyes as he creeped over to his futon to sleep.


"Aw~ look! They call each other bubba!"

"Wait until Oikawa finds out,"

"That's a waiting aneurysm,"

The Aobajohsai team tensed up as they felt a dark presence enter the room. "The fuck are you doing around my shit?"

Kunimi squeezed his eyes shut even tighter from his futon. "Yo, we were just...making a shrine...?" I'm so glad I decided to mind my own damn business, he thought.

"W-what were you doing out so late, huh?" Iwazumi's face twisted in the shadows.

He kicked Matsukawa and Watari off his futon and snatched his phone from Hanamaki. "Doing what Shittykawa could be if he'd get his shit together," He grumbled to himself. They all mutually agreed before going to sleep.


Hinata woke up in a dazed state somewhere between out of it and irritated. Probably because he only got four hours of sleep, or because today happened to be the last day of the training camp. His only chance to confess to Oikawa / accept his feelings.

Sugawara didn't say much in regards to the situation and he didn't have to. His glare said enough for everyone on the team.

Kageyama was hesitant to toss to him, mainly because he was freaked out by the face Hinata was making, but no one needed to know that. Nishinoya, Tanaka, and Jikaru were hype men throughout the first half of the day and trying to snap him out of his trance-like state.

Now it was their lunch break and as per tradition, they were having barbeque. Everyone was laughing and arguing over portion sizes with the occasional person trying to hit on Kiyoko and Yachi. Jikaru was telling a funny story about her playing some video game, and gave a short pause. "--and then he slammed," she hip bumped Hinata, "into me while i was climbing into first,"

Hinata crashed into Oikawa. The very man who was living rent free in his frontal lobe. "Fuck! Oh, Hi Shortie pie!" He greeted after stabilizing the both of them. "I came over to grab napkins and got a tangerine instead," His face started it's goal to match his hair, and he started to become more conscious of Oikawa's hands on his elbow.

Devil woman, a curse in disguise, Shouyou thought to himself. "C-can talk?" Hinata voiced, trying to beat the stomach aches and nausea. "It's okay if you're busy,"

Oikawa's head tilted with the same charming smile. "I'm good to talk," Hinata could feel the temperature from his hands dropping. At least they were both freaking out, right?

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