bro code is a bitch sometimes

392 21 4

"Chances are you'll see how much of a narcissistic asshole he is and laugh about this in the future," Daichi nodded to his own reasoning.

"Narcissistic assholes are my type,"

"Then maybe he's really sweet and treats you like royalty and you guys get all...domestic...and shit,"

"Sounds awful!" Hinata said with faux disgust. He adjusted his practice shirt before he looked at the unspoken parents of the team.

"Just remember the goal of this: Digest the butterflies." Sugawara gripped his shoulders, and his eyes darted back and forth. It was the co-captains favorite quote when it came to emotions involving other people. To this day, it was one of his top three most effective sayings, right next to; "fuck it" and "come here".

Jikiru gave the best advice she could in the situation, which was to "act like your cousin's cat died", or in other words, take everything down a few notches so he doesn't screw up.

"Mr. Refreshing! It's been a while, how are you?" Oikawa greeted with his usual flamboyance. Hinata may have seized up as he started walking over. Sugawara discretely grabbed him by the back of his shirt to keep him in place as he responded.

"Nice to see you in one peice, Oikawa-kun,"

The rival team's captain and setter smiled down at Hinata. "Hello again, Shrimpy-chan,"

"Good Morning!" he said, attempting to keep his usual excited face on.

"How's your boyfriend doing?" Shouyou's face almost fell before he started doing his rehearsed laughing. Oikawa looked confused towards Iwaizumi.

"I'm not dating anyone, yesterday was just bad timing," he finally said the words he'd burned into his brain. "Jikiru-chan isn't into guys, and I'm not into her," he stated confidently.

"She must've lucked out, huh?" the brunete smiled and ruffled Hinata's hair as he kept talking to Kōshi.

'Why is he treating him like his nephew? This is going nowhere' Hajime shakes his head and continues to stretch with a couple others. The thought of letting Oikawa drop a bar on himself seemed quite appealing at the moment.

"How come you flirt with your fangirls so easily, but when someone you're kinda interested in talks to you, you shut them down?"

"Pfft—I don't I do that?"

The ace subtlety gawked at his setter. "You don't do that on purpose? So you just suck ass at flirting? Wow..." the conversation floated in the air before they started their weight routines.

It was no secret among the Aoba Johsai that Oikawa was infatuated with the Crow's Decoy. It was, however, an unspoken rule that it never leaves from the team's mouth around anyone else. By some miracle of God* Hinata had ended up doing bodyweight workouts with the most distracting person in the two teams.

(*read = Aoba Johsai and Karasuno teamwork)

'What would I say to Iwa-chan??', Oikawa blanked as they got into positions for chest presses. 'I would ask him why he's so heavy, but Shrimpy is small,', he scrunched his nose as he continued to think, 'I'd compliment his ass, but that's weird! True, but weird!'.

"Your hands are cold," Hinata observed in a soft voice.

"It happens when I get nervous," Oikawa mindlessly responded. The read-head chuckled and answered:

"Do I make the Grand King nervous? Who'd've thunk it?"

Oikawa raised an eye at Hinata's grammar and chose to avoid putting his feelings in the spotlight, as you do. "'Who'd've thunk it'? Where'd you get that from?"

They switched to alternating sit-ups, "Jikiru-chan says it a lot, I must've picked it up from her,"

"Speaking of," Oikawa completed his sit-up, "Is Chibi-chan dating anyone who's not Jikaru-chan?"

Hinata rubbed at his reddening ears. "Nope! Single and pinning," he muttered.

"I guess we're in the same boat!"

"he patted my head and basically said "way to go sport!"

"only you can get yourself nephew zoned, you dummy"


"at least he knows you're single"

"single and probably thinks i'm not interested because i don't know when to stfu"

"u think too much imma spam u with memes lmao"


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