secret wingman

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Murder is illegal. That's common sense across the globe, and most people are sent to prison if they even attempt it. Oikawa had to repeat these facts as he watched Hinata get all blushy with the weight training assistant.

"If she really wanted him, she would have him by now," Iwazumi said while tossing a ball back and forth between his hands. Oikawa gave him a side glance.

"You know how women are," He served another ball to a back corner of the court, "They play with their food, even when it's dead," Iwazumi had to take a deep breath to prevent himself from laughing.

He watched his close friend pout to himself as he went into a serve-receive position. A smug and flirty man-child with an inferiority complex bitching about his crush being friends with someone who is obviously a lesbian. He couldn't fucking wait to tell this story at a party.


Ennoshita wasn't the most outstanding person on the Karasuno team, but he was efficient. Shit got done when he was involved, whether the others knew about it or not.

"He's so into you I get physically sick whenever he brings up your name," He chuckled to Oikawa. It was the beginning of their lunch break, so he knew he wouldn't be missed for a while.

The setters face reddened as a shy smirk made its way onto his face. "Even if that's true, I'm pretty sure I scared him off with kissing him outta nowhere,"

"I bet Suga is encouraging him to jump on you right now," Ennoshita deadpanned before taking another sip of water. Probably worse, he thought to himself. "Knowing Hinata, he's probably already asked someone on the team what he should do, and they're gonna suggest something that defines stupid—"

Nishinoya shook his head. "Isn't he, like, a huge fucking nerd? Pick up lines, bro," Tanaka nodded in agreement.

"The Yamaguchi is going to try to guide him in a better, more subtle direction, and Tsukishima or Daichi are gonna back him up—"

"Don't you's a little, I dunno...bold?" Yamaguchi reasoned with the group.

Daichi pointed at the pinch server. "Yeah, try referencing a line he used to flirt before," Tsukishima hummed and nodded towards Daichi in agreement.

"In the end he might get too nervous to carry out the plan and spill his guts before he tries to," Ennoshita predicted. Bokuto could be heard yelling a chant from where they stood outside in front of the cafeteria.

Oikawa hummed with his face still trying to cool down. "How do you know all this? Has it happened before?"

The wing spiker gave a soft smile. "It's how I got asked out. It's a process, but it works, and they tend to stick to what they know," he shrugged before bidding farewell and heading inside.

"Huh," Oikawa slumped against a support beam of the breezeway. So, now it's just a matter of 'if and when'? He inquired and bit his lip. If he's even interested and when the discussion would go down.

So, sure Ennoshita wasn't the most outstanding person on the team, but he'd be damned of he couldn't pull their shit together behind the scenes.


a/n: thanks for 1k! i thought an entire post about it might be annoying, so i'm putting it here. idk if u guys give a shit, but i have some really short haikyuu stories up also, it's called "falling" if you want to read it!

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