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"Would it be selfish if I guessed you're happy?" Oikawa moved to sit at Hinata's right side in favor of hovering over him.

Hinata sat up and let the other bag of ice fall into his lap. "Maybe, but you'd be right," He refrained from fidgeting with his hands as he would usually do in his current situation. He gave an awkward smile and looked down.

Sure, this is what he wanted—wants, but would it be too soon (or too late, really) to just admit his feelings that were slow cooking during the volleyball season? The last thing on Oikawa's mind would be a second year in the Miyagi prefecture.

Oikawa is 90 percent sure he fucked up. They haven't even exchanged contacts, and he decides to kiss him? He dusted the bits of gravel and dirt from his forearm and hands before looking back up at Hinata.

"Iwa-chan told me I'm really bad at flirting with people I'm interested in," Oikawa spoke over both of their thoughts. "I guess that happened with you too, huh?" He gave an awkward smile.

Hinata felt his cheeks flare up at the gesture. 'People he's interested in?!' he thought briefly then echoed, "People you're interested in? Me? You were trying to flirt with me?"

'This is so embarrassing, I'm supposed to be a pretty boy heartthrob and the person I'm into can't even tell I was flirting' Oikawa thought. Hinata looked like his brain was going numb, but a good numb.

"Guys, what the fuck? Are you teaching the ice to walk?" One of the other team managers, Mako, scolded them.

"Yes, and they're doing their best," Oikawa stood and dusted himself off. "Look!" he sarcastically cooed at the bags of ice in Hinata's lap before being lightly hit in the back of the head by Mako. He grabbed a bag and gave Shoyo a soft smile before heading inside.

Jikaru laughed from the doorway and helped Hinata up. "Head empty, brain go brrr,"

"I mean, yeah,"


"He basically gave you permission to fuck his brains out--"

Daichi choked on his water."Sugawara Koshi!"

Suga brushed him off and lightly shook Hinata by the shoulders. "If I've taught you anything, it's reading between the lines," They sat at a table outside on campus, "they" being Sugawara, Daichi, Nishinoya, Tanaka, and Jikaru. There was about an hour of sunlight left before they had to go to their room.

"I have to agree," Jikaru nodded. "You looked absolutely pathetic,"

Hinata let out a high pitched whine in the back of his throat. This was dumb, feelings were dumb. How come he couldn't be a badass aromantic and mysterious and cool? "Bruhv, logging out of reality, won't be online for a while," He poked his lips out and made a peace sign.

Nishinoya barked out a laugh and Tanaka snorted. "It couldn't have been that bad, so many people would've frozen up in your shoes. If Asahi kissed me and gave me a half assed confession I can assure you I would have lost my fucking mind," Nishinoya reassured with his vauge hand gestures.

"Yeah, Oikawa is a whole character, as meticulous as he seems, he's actually really impulsive," Daichi agreed.

"Remember that one time he almost punched Ushijima in the face?" Tanaka pointed to Sugawara. He gasped and nodded. "He would've been folded, but I would pay good money to see him swing on anyone,"

Hinata looked between them frantically. "What?! When? How?"

Daichi shrugged. "I didn't really see what happened, but Oikawa turned on him really fast and Iwazumi grabbed his arm before he could swing on him,"

"Damn," Jikaru mumbled. "So, in conclusion, Hinata can't read between the lines, Nishsinoya's a simp, and Oikawa will throw hands on short notice,"

Suga snickered. "Yeah. Oh, how'd it go with Yachi?" They all turned to face her.

She rested her head in her hands and sighed. "It wasn't happening, she was so into Kiyoko it would be stupid if I tried," Hinata gave her sympathy pats on the back.

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