i'm single

440 22 7

The boy visibly gagged. "No way, Bakeyama?" Nishinoya snorted at the gingers reaction and continued to laugh as his face went pale. "Grand King!"

Should I bow? Hinata froze in his spot as he stared at the third year. The screen on his phone flashed and all he could make out was '--you're screwed'. Couldn't agree more.

"The day Hinata and Kageyama start dating is the day I get perfect scores on all of my tests," Nishinoya wheezed. Shouyo nodded aggressively in agreement as he finally got his phone back. He glared at the blond and secured his phone in his pocket.

Oikawa hummed. "See you during training I guess," Hinata felt very offended that the third year really had the audacity to look and sound that good. It was really beyond himself.

Nishinoya nudged him. "At least he knows you're single, right?"

"Wrong! He thinks I'm dating Jikiru-Chan!"

"My bad," Tsukishima snickered. They started walking back to their room and Yuu teased Hinata the entire way back. The red-head grumbled and plopped down onto his mat beside Kageyama. The setter raised his eyebrow at Shouyou and waited for an explanation.

"What?" he responded when he couldn't hear his mumble.

"The Grand King thought we were dating,"

Tobio gave an over exaggerated choke on the straw he was chewing on. Sugawara pressed his lips together to prevent himself from laughing, and Tanaka bursted into tears. Hinata pressed his two inner fingers to his temples.

"You think it's funny, but I'm really 'bout to pull a Kurt Cobain,"

"I can't—" Asahi grabbed his toiletries and left their room.

Sugawara wiped the tears from his eyes and looked Hinata in the face. They sat in silence and held a conversation with their facial expressions. Daichi knew this look, hell, he was usually the main recipient of it. The red-head pouted as Koshi lifted his chin higher.

"i'm crying rn

pls help"

"bby wassup"

"the person i like thinks i'm dating one of my teammates and now my vc is gonna force me to talk to him and i rlly don wanna cause it's embarrassing"

"lmao rip

srsly tho it can't b that bad"

"I could b a funny story to all his mature college friends and i will blow my brains out im not even joshin' u right now"

"OR guy u like could be blowin' ur back out 😗"

"*shouyou has left the chat*"

Hinata huffed and turned off his phone. The sun was barely setting. He didn't want to look anyone in the face after the showdown with their team mom, and knowing Daichi knows exactly what went down. After playing Mario Kart and listening to Nishinoya's outrageous stories everyone went to bed.

Of all the things that could've happened on the first day here and my crush thinks i'm dating someone and I'll just seem less attractive. Hinata clenched his eyes at his thoughts and just tried harder to go to sleep. He curled into himself and drifted off slowly.

Hinata was just dreading the next day.

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