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"Iwa-chan! Please tell me what pining means! Please!"

Iwaizumi just mumbled under his breath as he slammed the door to the locker room open. Oikawa groaned as his best friend continued to ignore him.

"It means that someone obviously likes someone else," Kindaichi said.

"Oh... Oh," Oikawa sat on a bench and curled a hand under his chin. Hajime peeped from around the corner.

"Did he leave?" and then his eyes drifted towards the corner. The setters eyes were narrowed as he played with the stray hairs at the base of his own neck. He slowly closed his eyes and gave a huge sigh.

"He already likes someone else!" he whined.

"Or he could--" Hajime silenced his fellow wing spiker.

"Let him suffer for bit,"

"No, no, wait! Tell me! Please?"


Kageyama wheezed harder when his water came out through his nose. His best friend sat in front of him with an unamused face. "Fuck you,"

"You basically already told him you like him! What do you have left to lose?"

"My dignity is still intact and it can't take anymore hits right now!" Hinata whined. "Can you toss to me? Later before lights out? Please?"

Tobio hesitated before answering. "Yeah, sure, no problem," Hinata looked shocked that he agreed so quickly, but he wasn't going to complain. "I'm going to change my shirt, you made me spill water everywhere, dumbass,"

"Not my fault you find my misery hilarious," Shoyou grumbled as he waited outside of the Karasuno rooms. His phone vibrated in his pocket:

"dude istg if you don't hook me up with your manager

i will revoke our coven"


"Is that the blonde??????"


"she could ask me to end it all

i'd do it anyway

but with vigor"


Hinata shook his head as he pocketed his phone. "Let's start heading to the lunch room," Kageyama said with his very slappable face. They talked about their scrimmaging schedule for the next day and possible strategies while they walked across the campus.

"I'm going to drop out," Nishinoya stated as he looked up from his phone.


"Listen! We got so much fucking prep work that I could actually become a rocket scientist," the libero flashed his phone screen in Asahi's face.

"Half of it's probably from summer school," Tsukishima scoffed. Yamaguchi covered his mouth as he tried to hold back a laugh.

Oikawa was just glad that he was only caught staring at Hinata once. "You're hopeless," Iwazumi grumbled as Sugawara approached their table with a smile that could almost be called shit-eating.

"What are you doing after dinner?" the antenna on his head bounced in a passive manner. "Hinata--"

"He's doing it," Hajime confirmed.

"Old gym. Nice doing business," The two of them shook hands.

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