Welcome Back/ Amanda Waller Catch-Up

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A/N- Hello my fellow followers, I've decided it was time to update this book, since it's been while. So without any further a due, let's welcome a new character.

This character was requested by ladymoonwing. I do hope that you enjoy your request and I thank you for your request.  I do apologize for taking so long to get to your request, but I do hope you enjoy it. 

Warning: A small mention of the word of shot. 

How She Became Your Mother- One night, while heading back to ARGUS headquarters, she heard a small cry, a baby's cry to be precise.  She followed the sound of the crying and found a newborn baby, alone.  "Now where did you come from, little one?" She asked as she gently picked up the infant, who immediately snuggled into her.  Amanda had never felt like this before, for she was someone who struck fear into people, but not to this little baby.  She pulled out her phone and dialed Rick Flag to have him meet her at ARGUS headquarters. 

Once they were there, Amanda told Rick what happened and how she found the now sleeping infant.  "So what are you going to do with the baby, Amanda?"  "I'm going to be her/his mother, since the birth parent/parents are nowhere to be found.  Plus with what's going on out there, I rather have the baby here, where I know I can keep an eye on her/him and know that she's/he's safe."  She said as they looked at the sleeping infant.  "What are you going to name the kid?" "Y/n. Y/n Waller."  She said as they both saw a tiny smile form on your face.   

Your First Night with Your New Mommy- As your mommy's "workers" came into ARGUS, they all saw you, sleeping in a basket.  "Everyone listen up.  We are here to do a job. Anyone you questions MY authority will answer to me. Got it." She said. "Um, Ms. Waller?  Why is there-." A guy was asked before he was shot.  "Anymore questions? No, good. Now get to work." She said as they did as they were told.  Just then Rick gave your mommy some baby supplies, before he headed out to do his pep talk to the suicide squad.   "Wish me luck." "You'll need it." Your mommy said as she went to work. 

A few hours later, you woke up, crying, for you felt scared.  Thank goodness your mommy placed you in a soundproof room, so only she could hear you and not no one else. "How's it looking out there Flag?"  "Not too good. I'm going to loose contact with you soon." He said as he lost the signal, due to he and the squad were killing aliens.  Your mommy can into the room and began to soothe you. "Shh.... y/n.  Mama's here now. No one can hurt you, not while mama's here." She said softly, calming you down.   "I bet you want you to get freshen up and grab something to eat too. Well don't you worry. Mama will take good care of you." She said as she began to clean you up.  After you were all clean and baby fresh, your mommy dressed you and fed you a bottle before placing you in a bassinet with a blanket to keep you warm.  "Goodnight y/n.  Mama loves you."  She said before she left to go back to work. 

Her First Thoughts about You- "My first child. I can't believe I'm a mother. I shall teach my daughter/son how to rule the world with an iron fist, but right now I'll  just enjoy my mini me." 

She Takes Care of You- You were very well taken care of by your mommy, for she was the only one she trusted, other than Rick Flag.  After you had just woken up, your mommy already had a bottle made for you. "Hello baby girl/boy.  Did you sleep well?" She cooed as she got you out of your bassinet and began to change your diaper and get you dressed. 


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