How They React When You Watch a Horror Movie

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This was requested by monicagarcica   I hope you enjoy this chapter 

A/N- In this chapter the reader is still a baby and the horror movies are: The Conjuring series, Annabelle series  and The Nun. If you are not comfortable reading this chapter that's fine. I will not force anyone to read something that they are not comfortable with.  

Warning: Cursing

Joker & Harley- (Movie: The Nun)- One night your mommy and daddy were getting ready to do movie night. Your mommy heard about this new horror movie called the Nun and decided to watch it.  You were on your daddy's lap when she played the movie. When the Nun, Valak  came on, you screamed and cried. "Damn it Harley! Why would you do that?! Y/n isn't ready for somethin' like that!" Your daddy yelled. "I thought it wasn't that scary from what the trailer showed." "You're a moron!  She's/ he's only a baby, you dumbass! Shh... y/n. Daddy's here, Daddy's here. He won't let that thing hurt you or scare you." He cooed as he did his best to sooth you.  You were too scared to sleep by yourself, so your daddy  placed you in their bed, where he knew you would be safe. You were still scared so your daddy got his baseball bat out and stayed up all night, being on guard duty.  "Nothing's gonna hurt my lil clown. Not on my watch." He said as he kissed your head. 

Katana & Diablo- (Movie: Annabelle)-  Your mommy was out on a girl's day, so your daddy was babysitting you

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Katana & Diablo- (Movie: Annabelle)-  Your mommy was out on a girl's day, so your daddy was babysitting you. "How about we watch a movie, y/n?" He asked as you squealed. He turned on the TV and went to FX, where Secret Life of Pets were on. After you watched that Annabelle came on. You were a little frighten by how the doll looked, but you got your toy sword and began to hit the TV with and said "bad!" Your daddy chuckled and recorded it for your mommy to see.  Once she came home, your daddy showed her the video. "Are you NUTS?! You let our daughter/son watch that creepy-ass doll?!" "But honey, y/n was so brave to beating her up with the toy sword." "He said.  "I can't believe how brave our little y/n is." She said as she cuddled you.  As your bedtime neared, you didn't want to be alone, so your mommy and daddy slept in the nursery with you.  Your mommy got into your crib, while your daddy slept on the day bed. 

Deadshot-  (Movie: Annabelle Creation)- Your big sister was having a sleepover and one of the girls snuck Annabelle Creation into her bag. "Alright Zoe. You and your friends have fun, but remember no horror movies. Y/n isn't old enough for those movies and neither are you." "Dad, I'm going to be 13 soon." "Well alright. You are old enough, but still no because of y/n is way too young." "I promise dad. Now can you please go?" "Fine. Be good and have fun."  "We will. Okay so what do you want to do first?" "Make-overs!" (Time skip to the movie)

"So do you girls wanna watch a movie?" "Sure. What do you got Zoe?"  Lola asked. "Well I got Disney,  Comedy, Action or Musicals. "They suck. Now I stashed one of my dad's horror movies." Maddy said as she pulled the DVD out.  "Maddy. Are you trying to get me in trouble with my dad?!" Zoe said. "Relax, Zoe. What's the worse that can happen?" She said as she placed the DVD into the player. Your daddy was on the phone, when you decided to go see your sister. When you entered the living room, you looked at the TV and saw the scariest thing you ever saw. You began to scream and cry getting your daddy's attention. "Y/n? What's-. Zoe Marie Lawton! What in the world is goin' on in here?!" Your daddy yelled. "Girls. Party's over." He said. Once all of Zoe's friends were gone, your daddy took Zoe into kitchen to talk, while Ms. Baker watched you.  "Zoe, you deliberately disobeyed me after I said no horror movies." "Dad, it wasn't my fault. It was Maddy's. She was the one who put that movie in."  "Re-." The phone rang and it was Maddy's father.  "Hello?" "Hello Mr. Lawton. It's Mr. Griffin, Maddy's father. I just wanted to say I'm sorry for the trouble that she cause. I can't apologize enough." "Well I thank you for telling me. You have a goodnight, Mr. Griffin." "You too, Mr. Lawton."  "Zoe. I owe you an apology. I'm sorry baby." "I'm sorry too, dad. But I tried to explain to Maddy that we weren't allowed to watch any horror movies because y/n is too young, but she wouldn't listen."  "It's okay Zoe. Well how about I call back all your friends back, so you can have your sleepover?" "Really dad? Would do that for me?" "Of course honey. You were innocent, honey, but I think you need to say sorry to your sister/brother." "Alright dad."  Zoe came into the living room and saw that you were still very shaken up from what you  had just seen. "How is she/he?" "Still scared honey."  "Y/n? I'm so sorry for scaring you. We can watch whatever movie you want tonight for the sleepover." Zoe said in hopes that might cheer you up. You sniffed as Zoe brought out all the movies she had.  You picked out y/f/D/m (your favorite Disney movie) to watch with your family and your sister's friends. 

Once everyone was getting sleepy and they didn't want to be alone, so everyone slept in your daddy's bed, while you slept on your daddy, while he stayed up all night protecting you, Zoe and her friends.

Killer Croc & Poison Ivy- (movie- The Conjuring)  Your mommy and daddy had just got you down for the evening, while they had movie night.  "So what are we going to watch tonight?" Ivy asked. "Well Harley told me about this really scary horror movie called the Conjuring, so I thought we could watch it together." Your daddy said as he placed the DVD in and hit play.  As the movie began, you began to cry, for you had just woken up from a nightmare. "Shh... y/n. Mommy's here my little flower/ sprout, mommy's here." She cooed as you held onto her nightgown. She took you out to the living room, when you saw the part where the two hands clap, behind the lady. You laughed as you tried to play with the two hands on the TV screen. But when the creep lady showed up, you got your toy crocodile and threw it at the TV to make her go away.  Your parents were amazed on how you handled her. "Good job lil croc. You made the scary lady go away." Your daddy praised you as you snuggled up with them and watched the rest of the movie. 

Captain Boomerang (Movie- The Conjuring 2)- Your daddy was hosting movie night and he invited Harley, Joker, Croc, Diablo, Katana and Deadshot. You were in your playpen, when you saw Bud and Lou, Harley's "babies." "Bub. Loo." You called them as they ran over to your playpen and jumped into it with you. Everyone heard you giggling and smiled. Joker got them out as well as you. "Hey kangaroo. Your kid needs a bath!" He said as he gave to your daddy. "Oh seriously little mate? Come on." He said as he gave you another bath. "There ya go little mate. All clean." "Can I hold y/n, Boomerang?" Harley asked. "As long as your pets don't eat my mate." "They won't do that. Besides they love y/n, see?" She said as Bud and Lou guarded you. "Isn't y/n precious Mr. J?" Harley said as she watched you play with her choker. "Yes, she/he is Harley." "When do ya think we will have one?" "In time baby." He said as he watched you crawl onto his lap. "And what do ya want kiddo, hmm?" He cooed as you snuggled up to him. Bud was in the middle and Lou was at end, guarding their owners and their "baby".  Your daddy was going to take you and placed you in the bassinet, but he didn't dare want to wake you. Your daddy set up the movie and hit play. After a while you began to wake up, while mostly everyone was asleep. You saw the nun and boy, did you scream. You were crying, waking everyone as Joker picked you up and took you to another room to calm you down along with Bud and Lou. "You're safe y/n. Shh... Uncle J's got ya. He won't let that thing come near you." He cooed. You held onto him with the death grip, since you were that scared. "I'm not going anywhere y/n. Uncle J won't leave his lil clown until she/he is all smiles. Isn't that right boys?" He said the last part to Bud and Lou, who laughed.  Once you were calm, your uncle J took you to your daddy who was getting yelled at by Katana. "Uh-oh. I think daddy got in trouble." He said as you giggled.  You watched as Katana smack your daddy outside the head and you just busted out laughing. They turned to see you laughing in Joker's arms.  "Y/n. Daddy's sorry for putting that movie on. He should've know better than that.  Can ya forgive me?" "Dada." "I love you too, little mate. Now how about we watch a Disney movie?" He cooed as everyone sat back down and watched y/f/D/m. (your favorite Disney movie)

Dr. June Moone & Rick Flag-(Movie- Annabelle)- You and your mommy were watching the Disney Junior channel waiting for your daddy to come back from the store.  You heard the door close and you got really excited. "Is daddy home, y/n? Shall we go see?" She cooed. Both of you went into the kitchen where you heard your daddy coming into the kitchen.  "Where's my little soldier?" Your daddy said as you and your mommy hid behind the counter. He heard both of giggling and snuck up behind your mommy and got you. "Oh no. We've been spotted, y/n." Your mommy said as your daddy got you. "There's my little solider. I missed you." He cooed.  After a while you were having cuddles with your mommy before you fell asleep in her arms. "Hey June. Look at what I got for us." He said as he showed your mommy the DVD. "Well don't play it too loud, for remember y/n is just a baby and she/he isn't ready for this kind of stuff." She said as she readjusted you in her arms. "Okay." 

 As the movie was in the middle, you began to wake up, you saw Annabelle on the TV.  You didn't too much so you grabbed the remote, turned the TV off and threw the DVD case into the trash can, along with the DVD. "June? Why is the movie in the trash?" "Yucky!" You said. "I guess you don't care for this one, huh y/n?" He said as he took the DVD out and got ready to return it. "How about we watch a classic horror movie?" "Yay!" You said, since you're more of a classic horror person anyway.

Enchantress- She didn't know what a horror movie was or had ever seen one. Also she knew better than to let you watch these movies, for you were just too little and she didn't want a repeat of the last time. 

(Last time) (Movie- The Nun)- You were in the care of one of the minions since your mommy and uncle were out. You wanted to watch y/f/k/m (your favorite kid's movie), but a minion placed in the Nun. You were playing, but that all changed when you saw Valak. You grabbed your toys and started to hit the TV with them and you kept on saying "no."  Your mommy came in and she was pissed. "HOW DARE YOU!!! GET OUT!!!!!" She yelled. She destroyed the TV and picked you up and shushed you. "Shh.... y/n. Mommy's here and she'll protect you." She cooed as she rocked you.

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