Your First Bully & How Your Parents React to You Getting Bullied

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A/N- Warning: A small mention of the words: Bleeding/blood, bomb and some fighting

Joker & Harley- You were playing  with your friend, when someone pushed you. "Hey. Watch where you're going!" You yelled as a big kid turned around. "You got somethin' to say me, brat?" "Mr. Wolfe. Principal's office, now!" Your teacher yelled. "Y/n? Are you okay?" Your teacher asked you as she/he looked you over. "I'll take y/n to the nurse, Ms./Mrs./ Mr. t/n (teacher's name). "Thank you, f/n." She/he said. Once you were at the nurse's office, you got checked out by the nurse, who saw that both of your knees were bleeding. "Now, y/n. This might sting a little bit, but I'm being very gentle, okay." The nurse said as she wiped your knees with small alcohol pad. You winced at the burning sensation, but the nurse encouraged you, so you wouldn't feel sad. "Alright y/n. You're all done and this is for you." She said as she gave you a lollypop. "Thank you, nurse." You said and went back to class.  (Time skip to going home) 

While walking outside, you ran into the bully again. "Well look who I found." "Please. Leave me alone." You said. "I don't think so brat. You were so tough to talk back to me, so now I'm going to make you eat your words."  "Hey buddy. I wouldn't do that if I were you." Your uncle Frosty said, since he was picking you up from school today. "Oh yeah? What's it to you, old man." Your uncle pushed the bully to the ground. "This is my little niece/nephew. If you ever and I mean EVER lay your hands on her/him again, let's just say you'll regret it." He said as he carried you to the car and drove home.  Once you were back at home, you went to do your homework and have an afternoon snack, while your uncle went to report to your father that you were home and about the bully.  "Oh Frost. You're back. Anything to report?" "Yes sir. I believe that y/n is being bullied, sir." "Who and where does this "bully" live because I'm going to murder him!" Your daddy yelled. "I know that his last name is Wolfe, sir." "Well I want you to looked him up and find out where he lives. I'm going to check on my lil clown." He said.  

When your daddy came into the kitchen, he saw that both of your knees had band-aids on them. His heart ached, for he couldn't believe that his first child got hurt. Anger filled his heart as he began to breathe heavily.  You saw him and began to cry as you hugged him. He stopped, seeing that you were now upset. "Oh my lil clown. I'm sorry that I scared you. But can ya tell Daddy what happened to your knees?" You were to afraid to tell him, so you just nodded no. "Come on lil clown. You can Daddy. I promise I won't get mad, okay?" He said as he placed you on his lap.  When you told him, he told you that everything would be okay, for he was going to take you to school tomorrow and have a little chat with your principal and the bully. (Time skip to the day)

When you and your arrived at school, you and him went to talk with the principal. "Hello. How can I help you? " "I'm here to talk with the principal about my daughter/son getting bullied." "Go on in, sir.  He'll be in shortly."  "Oh hello, Mr.? "J." "Mr. J. And what brings you and your daughter/son into my office, this morning?" "My kid is being bullied by a kid that goes by the last name of Wolfe."  "Well I did give him detention." "AND WHAT DOES THAT PROVE?! NOTHING! I WANT THAT KID TO STOP BULLYING MY CHILD OR ELSE!" "Or else what Mr. J?" The principal asked as your daddy removed his disguise. "J-Joker!" "That's right. Y/n, my lil clown. Why don't you go wait outside while Daddy and the principal have a little chat." "Okay, Daddy." You said as you left. "Now you listen to me. If that kid, Wolfe picks on my lil clown anymore, I'm going pissed not to mention my lovely girlfriend, Harley. So unless you want to deal with two very pissed off parents that rule Gotham, I recommended that you punish that kid or there will be hell to pay." He said darkly as he left. "Come on y/n. Daddy will walk ya to your classroom." He said as walked with you. "Oh, before Daddy forgets. Here. If that bully is anywhere near you, just push the purple button and Daddy will come get ya." "He cooed as he gave you a kiss before he left. 

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