Your 1st Birthday

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A/N- Warning some cursing and mentioning of the word "shooting" and a dead body. 

Joker & Harley- One dark and gloomy day, you were on your daddy and mommy's bed, playing with your daddy. "I'm gonna get ya. I'm gonna get ya. (Gasp) Daddy got you, lil clown and there's no escape from the tickle monster." He cooed as he began to tickle you.   "Aw, Mr. J. You look so cute playin' with y/n." Your mommy said. "Oh shut up Harley. Anyway it's passed a lil clown's naptime." He cooed at you softly, so Harley couldn't hear. He placed you in the pack & play and covered you. "Go to sleep lil clown. You'll see Daddy soon." He cooed as he and your mommy left, but you wailed for him, for you wanted to hear the special lullaby he would sing to you everyday at naptime. He got Frost to take your mommy to his office while he took care of you. "Hey, hey lil clown. Daddy doesn't like to see you upset. How about he sings your special lullaby?" He cooed as rocked you. 

Hush, my baby, don't cry a peep
The moon's in the sky
Let's count the sheeeeeeeep

1, 2, 3, 4
Hush-hush, shush, shhh, snore...
Not wah, blaaaa, raaah, or roar

1, 2, 3, 4
Hush-hush, shush, shhhh, snore

1, 2, 3, 4......
Sleep tight, not a sound, 'til morn.

"There we are.  Goodnight y/n. Daddy loves you very much." He said as he kissed your head and went to his office to talk with your mommy. "So what did you want to talk about, Mr. J?"  "Well it's about lil clown's first birthday. We need to start comin' up with ideas and then we need to plan it and it needs to be HUGE! For nothing's too good for the princess/prince of Gotham." Your daddy said as he called for Frost into his office to help out with the ideas.  "I know one. How about a clown/ circus theme?" Your mommy said. "Do you want Batsy to ruin the party?! Sometimes Harley you can be a real pain in the ass." After the argument, your parents went back to thinking of themes before settling down on the perfect theme.  "A princess/prince theme is the prefect theme for our lil clown." Your daddy said as your mommy hugged him. "Yes it is." Just then you woke up and your mommy went to check on you. "Hey there sleepyhead. Did you have a nice nap? I bet you did." She cooed as she began to change you.  Meanwhile, back in your daddy's office, he and his men were having an important discussion about your party. "As all of you know, my lil clown will be turning one in a couple of days, it's important that NOTHING and I mean NOTHING goes WRONG. If my lil clown isn't happy, it's going to be your HEADS!!!! So if I were you, which I'm not. I would act like your lives depended on it. Now all of you will broken into groups, while my queen and I keep our lil clown busy. Any questions?" One of the guys raised his hand and asked "Why do we have to get your brat stuff? Why can't you-." Before he could finish his sentence, your daddy shot him. "Anyone else want to question my authority?! No? Good. Now get your asses in gear and get out of here!" 

All of the men ran out of the office fast than the roadrunner from Looney Tunes. You and your mommy saw them run, which made you giggle as you and your mommy went to your daddy's office. "Daddy. You have a special vistor, who wants to see you." "Oh and whooooo, could that be?" He cooed as your mommy came in with you. "Well, well, well. Who do we have here?" "Dada!" You said as your daddy took you into his arms. You were looking at his tattoos that were on his chest and tried to peel them off, for you thought they were stickers. "Are you tryin' to peel Daddy's "stickers" off again, lil clown?" He cooed as you buried your smiling face into chest. "Such a good lil monster." "I thought I was your lil monster!"  "You are, Harls. Both of you are." (Time skip to your party)

While your mommy was getting you ready, your daddy made sure that everyone was in their spots and made sure that everything was set up. All of your parents friends were there, except Deadshot, since he and your daddy don't get along so well. "Aw y/n. You look soooooo cute/handsome." Your mommy cooed as she lifted you off of the changing table and placed you in her arms. As both of you were downstairs, you saw your daddy and smiled. "Hi my sweet lil clown. Daddy and mommy have a huge surprise for ya." He cooed as he covered your eyes.  As they walked in the room, everyone shouted "Happy Birthday y/n!" You were very happy to see your aunts and uncles. (Time skip to your birthday cake)

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