How They React When You Get a Boyfriend/Girlfriend

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A/N- This chapter was requested by hi_im_dumb_one & ChelseaDootson. I'm so sorry for not getting to your request until now.  I do hope that this makes up for it.  

Warning: Some mentioning of the word(s): bodies, guns and kill

Joker & Harley- When your parents heard that you had a boyfriend/girlfriend, your mother was over the moon with joy, while your father on the other hand wasn't too pleased.   He called his right-hand man, your uncle, Johnny Frost to get all the information on your boyfriend/girlfriend.  When your parents  met your boyfriend/girlfriend, they warned him/her, saying "Break our lil clown's heart, let's just say you'll make a great "punchline." HAHAHAHA! 

Katana & Diablo- When your parents found out that you had a boyfriend/girlfriend, they were very happy for you, but your parents said to your boyfriend/girlfriend, that if they should break your heart, they would have to face them, which wouldn't end well for them.  

Deadshot- When your father found out that you had a boyfriend/girlfriend, let's just say he told your boyfriend/girlfriend that if she/he would break your heart, he would hunt her/him down,  grab a shovel, and give the cops an alibi, for he had a few good friends who knew how to "hide bodies." 

Killer Croc & Poison Ivy-  When your parents saw that you had a boyfriend/girlfriend, they sat him/her down and had the "boyfriend/girlfriend" talk,  they warned her/him, that if she/he broke your heart or upset you in any way, they would hunt her/him down and made sure that they got what they deserved. 

Captain Boomerang- When your father found out about you having a boyfriend/girlfriend, he was pretty cool with it, but he warned your boyfriend/girlfriend by saying "You hurt my daughter/son or break her/his heart, well let's just say my mates and I will make sure that you won't see the light of day."  

Dr. June Moone & Rick Flag- When your parents found out about you having a boyfriend/girlfriend, you can bet that your father called up his team and they did a full background check on your boyfriend/girlfriend, which made you feel so embarrassed, that all you wanted to do was hide.   Of course, your mother was mad at your father, but what would you expect from a trained soldier, who would do whatever it took to protect his family?   

Enchantress- When your mother got word that you had a boyfriend/girlfriend, she threw a fit, for no one was ever allowed to lay eyes on you, but she knew that you were growing up and she couldn't stop time, no matter how hard she tried, so she and your uncle shape-shifted into their "human" forms and when they met your boyfriend/girlfriend, they gave her/him a warning, for if she/he should ever break your heart,  they will hunt her/him down and make sure that she/he was wiped from the face of the earth.  

Amanda Waller- Your mother wasn't happy about you having a boyfriend/girlfriend, but she rather you see you happy than sad, but she warned your boyfriend/girlfriend by saying "You ever and I mean ever break my daughter's/son's heart, I'll make sure that you get what you deserve." She said.  

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