Christmas Special

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Joker & Harley- It was Dec. 24th  and your mommy was in the Christmas mood, but your daddy was a Grinch. He didn't like Christmas due to his past, so every year he would lock himself in his office doing paperwork. You were in your play pen watching all of your daddy's men carry a tree and the Christmas decorations down, but not your daddy. You wanted to be with him, so you cried for your mommy to let you out. "Aw baby girl/boy. It's okay, mommy's here." She cooed softly. You smiled at her and played with her hat. "Do ya like playin' with mommy's hat? Here you go sweetie." She said as she placed a baby Satna hat on you. Just then your uncle Frosty came in. "Ms. Quinn. The boss wants to see you." "Okay, Frosty. Do ya mind watchin'  y/n and the hyenas?" "Not at all, Ms. Quinn." He said as she gave you to him. You look like you were about to cry, and mommy said "Don't cry y/n. Mommy will be right back." She said as she blew a raspberry on your cheek. "All better. Now be good for uncle Frosty."  Once your mommy was at your daddy's office door, she knocked and waited for him to unlock the door. "Ah, my queen. Where's our lil clown?" "with Frosty. Puddin'?" "Hmm?" "I was wondering if you would join us in doing all fun Christmas festivities, ya know like a normal family." "Harley. Sweet, sweet Harley. You and I are far from normal. We're the King & Queen of Gotham. A clown couple whom are raising a "normal" baby. Am I not good enough for you?! I gave you everything you wanted including that rugrat  downstairs and you're saying you want to be normal!" He yelled as Frosty was bring you up. You began to cry as your mommy took you into her arms. "Kitty and Ivy were right about you. You'll never change and this was suppose to be y/n's first Christmas with us! Well we know when we're not welcomed. Come on babies. We're leaving." "You're not going anywhere!" "Watch me!" Your mommy  took you out to her car got Bud and Lou in and took off. Your daddy felt something in his chest but ignored it and went to bed. As he was dreaming, there was a small ghost floating over him. "Ah! Geez! What do you want. Oh wait don't tell me. You're here to tell me that I'm goin' to visited by three ghosts and I have to change my ways, right?" "No. I'm here to tell you that y/n needs you and so does Harley." "Well if they wanted me, they should've stayed!" "What if I told you that if you ruin y/n's first Christmas, she'll/he'll never get another one." "what do you mean?" "It's better if I show you."  Your daddy hears you crying and your mommy had tried everything. "Will ya stop crying already!" She yelled.  (Groans) and closes the door. "Why is my y/n crying so much and Harley is being rude towards her/him?" "Because believe it or not she/he misses you. Whenever y/n got sad, you were the one to cheer her/him up. Also you knew how to keep her/him safe from thunderstorms. Ever since that fight, Harley was never happy again. She works 24/7, working two jobs just to make money." "Can they see us?" "No, they can't." "What have I done? I never meant for them to go away." He said quietly as he reached his hand out to you, trying to wipe away the tears. "You told me that y/n will never get another Christmas again, why is that?" He asked the ghost. "It's not a pretty picture, but I better show you." He said as both of them went  further into the future. "Why are at Arkham?" "Look into the last cell on the right." Joker did as he was told and saw his queen in a straight jacket with chains around her. "Why's Harley here and in her old cell?" "Go in and look." "Fine." As Joker entered he heard Harley crying and saying "I'm so sorry baby. Mama's so sorry." He looked at her and saw your baby blanket covered in blood. "No. Where's my baby clown?! Take me to her/him." He yelled and the ghost led him to a graveyard. "Go to the second row and look at the last tombstone." Joker walked until he reached the end of the row. There was a small tombstone that had baby toys around it along with a little lamb on top of it. The stone read "Here lies y/n. A tiny angel who was gone to soon." "No. This can't be true. I don't want my lil clown gone. I want to hold her/him in my arms. I-I want to play with her/him, rock her/him to sleep, tell her/him bedtime stories. I want my baby back!" He yelled as he woke up to see everything was normal. "Boss? Are you alright? I heard yelling." "I'm fine Frosty. Did Harley come back?" "No boss, but she did sent you this." He said as he gave him his phone. 

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