Your First Steps

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A/N- Hey guys and girls. Sorry for not updating this story, but with the Halloween story getting a lot of requests I just didn't have the time to get to this one.  So without any further delay, here's a new chapter, just for you.

Joker & Harley- You were with your mommy at one of your daddy's warehouses. The two of you were playing, when you started to cry. "Aw, Puddin' cup. What's wrong? Do ya want some yummy milky-wilky?" She asked in her "baby" voice. "No? Then maybe you need to be changed." She said as she grabbed your diaper bag and the changing mat. She placed down and opened your onesie and diaper, but found it dry. "Are ya missin' Daddy? Is that it?" She cooed. Just then you spied someone's bright neon green hair and purple jacket. You smiled and said "Dada." Your mommy placed you on the ground, where you began to stand up and walk. Your parents were so happy see their little monster walking. You were about to fall, when your daddy caught you. "Daddy's so proud of you, my lil Ace." He cooed. "Can we go out and celebrate, Daddy?" Your mommy asked him. "Of course we can. This was our lil clown's first steps. Plus we were goin' to the club anyway." "Ya hear that baby girl/boy. We're goin' to the club." Your mommy said as she picked you up. "Ub (club) mama?" "Yes baby. Club, where mama and Daddy "work." You clapped your hands remembering where you were now going. 

Katana & Diablo- You were crawling around while your mommy was out, so you got to be with your daddy. "Dada." You called to him. He looked down at you and smiled as he picked you up and placed you on his lap. "What is it, my little fire princess/prince?" "ood. (food)" "You're just like your auntie, you know that." He said as he took you into the kitchen to get you some food. After you had something to eat, you were playing with your toys, when you saw the TV remote. You wanted to watch y/f/c (your favorite cartoon). Your daddy watched you as you started to walk towards the remote. "You're growing up way too fast y/n. But way to go with your first steps." He said as he got you an ice cream cone from the freezer.

Deadshot- You were with Zoe, playing inside, since it was too cold and raining outside. You wanted your baby blanket. "Aw y/n. What's wrong?" She asked as your daddy came in with a fresh load of laundry, where you saw your blanket. "Ankei. Ankie." You said. Your sister put you down and watched as you began to walk towards the basket. "Dad! Y/n is walking!" She yelled as she video taped your first steps. Your daddy ran, almost hitting the wall. "Did I miss y/n's first steps?" "I got right here, dad." Your sister said. You got your blanket and walked back to your daddy. "I'm guessing you wanna take your nap now, huh baby girl/boy?" He cooed as he carried you to your nursery.

Killer Croc & Poison Ivy- You were out in the garden with your mommy picking out some flowers. "Mama." You called to her. "(Chuckles) What are you doing my little flower?" "Ower. (flower)" "Yes y/n. These are flowers. You spied a flower in y/f/c (your favorite color).  You wanted it and give it to your mommy, so you got up and walked over to it. Your mommy saw this and called for your daddy. Both of them saw you walk before you fell into the dirt, which made you cry. "Aw my little croc. It's okay. Let daddy clean you up." He said as he got the flower out and gave it to you. You gave the flower to your mommy, who said "This flower is for you, my rose. Now you and daddy go take a bath and maybe there might be a little gift here for you." She said. Once your daddy was gone, she called a few friends to come over and celebrate with a little party. She invited Harley, Catwoman, and few others and surprisingly Joker. After the party everyone was passed out but you were on top of Bud and Lou fast asleep. Your parents smiled and gave the tree of you a blanket to keep all three of you warm.  "Goodnight, little croc." "Goodnight my flower." 

Captain Boomerang- Your nana was visiting from Australia and she brought her world famous cookies with her. "Come on nana, I'll get you settled." Once they were gone, you wanted a cookie, so you got up on your feet and began to walk towards the container. Then your daddy and nana came out and watched you go after the cookie container. Once you reached it, you got a cookie out and you saw both your daddy and nana. "Good job, mate. You deserve a reward and the cookie." Your daddy said as he praised you.

Dr. June Moone & Rick Flag- Your mommy and daddy were trying to teach you how to walk. "Come on y/n. You can do it." Your mommy encouraged you, while your daddy helped you walk to her.  You tried but ended up falling down. You were a little upset, but your daddy soothed you. They trained you everyday, until one day you let go of your daddy's index fingers and walked by yourself. "Great job, sweetheart. Mommy's super proud of you." "Not as proud as daddy is though." He said teasingly to your mommy. "Ha. Ha. Very funny." She said as she played with you and your daddy.

Enchantress- You were with your mommy having some mommy-daughter/son time. "I love you, y/n." She cooed at you. "Mama. ove ou." She noticed that you were trying to stand up, so she used her magic to help you stand up. "You can do it, y/n. Come on, walk to mommy." She cooed. You began to take your first steps towards her. Once you reached her, she picked you up and kissed you. "I think a celebration is in order. What do you think, my heir?" "Arty. Arty." You cheered as your mommy hugged and kissed you.

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