When Your Parents Teach You How to Drive

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A/N- Hello everyone, I'm soooooo sorry for not updating in a very long time, but I got busy with cake orders (since I am a baker) and with updating with my other books.  Also it's been really a rough time for me since my grandmother had passed away and it's difficult for me to update/ come up with the storylines.   So I do hope that this makes up for it.  

Joker & Harley-  When you hit the age of 16, you always wanted to start driving lessons, of course your parents said "no", but then they changed their minds, since it would be good to have a another driver in the family.  Instead of having a driving teacher come and teach you how to drive, your father decided that he would be the one to teach you.  "Come on y/n. We're going for your first driving lesson." He said as he grabbed the keys to one of the vans and took you out to a secluded area.  Once there, you and your father switched places and he explained everything to you about the car.  "Now put the van in drive and pull out, real slow, but not like turtle. Just go nice and slow." He said as you did as he said and went out onto the road.   "Good. Now just stay focused on the road and you'll be okay." He said as some trouble makers decided to race you.  "Dad? What do I do?" You asked as your father pulled out his gun and shot the tires.  "Y/n! Punch the gas!" He said as you made the tires burn rubber and pulled out.  "Omg!  What am I doing?" You asked out loud.  "You're learning how to drive and how to not get caught by the coppers and the bat."  He said as you pulled over and had your dad drive home.  

When you and your dad came home, you ran to the bathroom and threw up

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When you and your dad came home, you ran to the bathroom and threw up.  "Do I even want to know how the driving lesson went?" Your mother asked as Lucy ran to Joker and he picked her up.  "Y/n did very good and I even taught her how to drive away from the cops and Batsy." He said, proudly.  "Well then that would explain on why both of you are on the evening news!" Your mother yelled before she went to check on you.   

Katana & Diablo- Today, your parents were talking about getting you driving lessons, but only if you were going to responsible.  Your parents called you downstairs, where they discussed about getting you driving lessons. And if you were a responsible driver,  by passing the lessons and got your driving permit, then they would work on getting you a car.    So, the next day, you and your father went out for your first lesson.   

"Okay y/n.  We're going to switch seats, so you'll be the driver and I'll be the passenger/co-piolet." He said as both of you got into the car and buckled yourselves in.  "Okay. Now start the car and put in d for drive." He said as you did as you were told.  You were doing very well, but thing that troubled you was the parallel parking.   "Great job y/n."  Your father said, but you were beating yourself up over the parallel parking, but your father told you that you shouldn't beat yourself up over one little thing, espeically since it was your time out.  "You'll get better at it, for it's not easy to parallel park." He said as he took you back home to pick up your mother and little sister/brother as all of you went out to eat to celebrate your first time driving, which was very good for a first time out.    

Deadshot- Today, you wanted to learn how to drive and since your parents were busy, you went and asked your big sister, Zoe to teach you, since she was already a licensed driver.  "Zoe? Can you teach me how to drive?" You asked.  "Did you ask dad or Tara (Ms. Baker's first name)  to see if they could teach you?" She asked.   "They're busy with with y/l/b/n." You said.  "Well come on. Let's go out for your first driving lesson." She said  as the two of you were off.   

Both of you went to an empty parking lot, where Zoe gave you the lowdown on the car and everything, before switching places and letting you drive.   You did good, but when it came to the breaks, instead of touching them lightly, you literally slammed on them.  It was in that moment, when Zoe told you that it was time to switch, before they got into trouble and headed home.   Your parents felt bad, since they weren't spending much time with you as they like, so when you and Zoe came in the door, they sat down with you and told you that your father would take you out tomorrow, but you thanked them for the offer, but decided to decline the offer, for you weren't ready to drive just yet.  

Killer Croc & Poison Ivy- Today, you and your mother were out practicing driving, while your father got some one-on-one time with your little sisters.   As your mother was teaching you how to drive, the GPD came out and so did Batman.   "I wonder what's going on that the coppers and the bat are out." Your mother thought as she took over driving, since she could get away faster and most importantly she didn't want to you be taken to Arkham.  

When the two of you came home,  both of you saw that your father was covered in make-up and had a pink feather boa around him. "Mommy! We made daddy pretty."  They said as both, you and your mother had a good laugh, before he took a shower and all of you went out for dinner. 

Captain Boomerang- Today, you had been begging your father to take you out and he finally decided to take you out, while your nana came over to watch your little sister/brother, while you and your father went out for your driving lesson.   As the two of you were out,  your father decided to a pull off a heist, but then he didn't for he didn't want the Flash ruining the moment.  So your father showed you how to drive away faster than the Flash, but of course nothing can out run the Flash.

Instead of pulling of the heist, he showed you how to driveaway like Sonic the Hedgehog, and not get caught by the coppers or the Flash.  

Dr. June Moone & Rick Flag- Today, your father took you out driving, since you were at the appropriate age to practice driving.  Once the two of you were in the car, your father told you what to do  and you did an excellent job of driving, so when it was time to head home,  both of you picked up your mother and little sister/brother and showed off your driving skills to your family before stopping at the local Dairy Queen for some ice cream.  

Enchantress- Your mother didn't need to teach you drive, since she and your uncle were Gods and Gods don't drive.  She did, however taught you how to teleport, which was safer than driving.  

Amanda Waller-  Your mother didn't teach you how to drive, she did however got someone to teach you how to drive and made sure that they passed you or else your mother would make sure that they would pay for failing the daughter/son of the great Amanda Waller.

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