Attempt almost succeded

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Credits to my wife for this idea.
Haiykuu Wing AU

⚠️WARNING: Suicide mentions and cutting mentions, also ED (eating disorder) also use of SLURS⚠️

Tsukishima for as long as he's known, has hated himself. He hates that he's mean to people. He hates that he has an ED. He hates that he can't show his feelings. He hates that he cuts. He hates that he's bout the way he is. He hates that his life is what everyone would dream of but he's hear wasting it. He hates that he has a crush on his best friend.

Ah yes, the biggest problem of all. If he had to choose to get rid of one problem, it would be to give up on his crush on Yamaguchi. Not to stopping cutting his thighs and under arms. Not to fix his eating disorder. Not to like his life. Not to be able to express his emotions. But to Get rid of this silly crush.

Tsukishima doesn't exactly hate gay people. He just has internalized homophobia. For example calling himself a F*aggot, dick loving bitch, a sin, as his grandfather tells him. Why hasn't he ended it all? Well that's really simple. Hasn't had the time to do it.

You didn't think he was gonna say because people would miss him, or because of Yamaguchi did you? He doesn't care what they think about it He knows it's selfish, but it's his choice, he doesn't need to think of the after math. In fact he planned to do it today.

Today at lunch, on the rooftop. Yes his school had fences but they were little, nothing he can't climb over easily. He'd simply jump off before Yamaguchi got there to meet for lunch. Leaving a simple "I'm sorry but I can't do this anymore" on his lunch that he'll place on their bench. It's the perfect plan.


"Alright students! Class dismissed! Remember to do page 69 for homework!" The teacher called out as she erased the white board.

Before Yamaguchi could ask Tsukishima to wait for him, he was off. Speed walking while having a mild panic attack about what he was about to do. He hopes it's as peaceful as the anime makes it seem.

He opens the rooftop door, glad no ones there today. He places his lunch and the sticky note on their bench. Calmly taking his Glasses, shoes and Varsity jacket off. Neatly putting them next to his lunch. He stepped over the fence and sat there, admiring the pretty scenery before he was about to end it all. He turned around and grabbed the fence, leaning back, saying his last words.

"Gomen Tadashi, I-I love you" Then he let go. Barely noticing the tears falling from his eyes as he looked up. In just a second he noticed someone there at the edge. Getting farther away from the figure and not having his glasses on made it difficult to tell who it was. But hearing their familiar voice was calming. Glad that was the last thing he got to hear.

"Tsukki! Tsukki! No you idiot!" As Tsukishima closed his eyes, letting his body calm down from the rush of falling down. Somehow going a lot slower then he thought he would. It kind of pissed him off but he didn't want his last thoughts to be sarcastic.

Instead he let himself think about Yamaguchi, hugging him.


Holding his hand

"Don't worry I'm almost there!"

Kissing him

"Got you! Thank god! You were so close to hitting the floor Tsukki!" Tsukishima felt guilty about hearing Yamaguchis voice in his ears. Secretly hoping Yamaguchi was just an angel, leading him to where he would go, Hell or Heaven.

He opened his eyes and saw Yamaguchi, he seemed to have, wings? They were pretty white wings, like an angels. He was placed against a wall. Getting his face touched from those two angelic hands.

"Tsukki! Y-You probably can't see, here's your g-glasses Ts-Tsukki!" He places the glasses on his face. Tsukishima adjusting to them, seeing Yamaguchi in his lap, crying.

"I-If I was an-any slower you-you could have d-died Tsu-Ts-Tsukki!" He sobbed into Tsukishima's shoulder, holding onto him as if he would disappear if he let go. Tsukishima then noticed all the pain he would cause his adorable best friend if he would have succeeded. He's glad he didn't.

He wrapped his arms around Yamaguchi and nuzzled into his neck. Yamaguchi still choking out faint sobs and coughs. He was still gripping onto Tsukishima's shirt.

"Ts-Tsukki, can you call me Baby? O-Or angel?"

"Of course angel, I'm so sorry i did that. I didn't think about how you would feel if I succeeded. I didn't think about how heart you would be if I would have left with out a good bye, Gomen Baby"

Yamaguchi just lightly punched his stomach and kissed him again. Noticing immediately how skinny his stomach felt. And the faint scars on his under arms.

"Hey Angel, how did you save me?"

"Uh- I have wings, and I was running after you but I guess you didn't notice me. Then I watched you undress near the edge, I didn't think much of it until you jumped off"

"So you have wings?"



"That's a question for another time" Tsukishima made a pouty face

"Why did you do that Tsukki?"

"That's a question for another time angel~"

Happy New Years, I decided to start off th ear with some angst. I was very tempted to kill Tsukki off completely but he's my comfort character so no.
Words: 950
Date: 1/1/21

edit: this shit is literally the clarity meme LMAO

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