My Cheater !!rewritten!!

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I rewrote this because it is extremely embarrassing on how I used to write. So if you saw the old one I'm sorry. I'll probably do this for some other embarrassing ones too. sex is mentioned.


I was in a bar out drinking with my girlfriend, Akari. She pissed me off so much. All she ever does is whine, she's such a pick me. 'tSuKiShImA!! Don't fight with him!! You're better then this!!' Then she does a stupid pleading face. It's honestly so annoying. She also dresses like some anime Slut.

You're probably like, why can't I just break up with her? Well, her friends would go crazy on me. Yes I can deal with them and I could care less. But I can just cheat on her till I actually find someone good.

Today we're going to the bar for her friends birthday. She wanted me to go so I can't stay home and go fuck somebody. She's wrong cause I can do it more here then at home. But we're not gonna tell her that.

"Tsukishima!" She yelled, running over to me and plopping onto my lap. "What, Akari?" I groaned back "Me and Yui are gonna go somewhere else, behave" She huffed and crossed her arms "Yes you're Highness" I smirked at her and she turned red
"Ugh fucking asshole!" She screamed, storming off with Yui.

"Why don't you just break up with him?" She asked.
"Duh cause he's hot, have I not taught you anything my dear Yui?" She pats her back and they walk off to the dance floor.

I mean she's not wrong. But hey what gives. I wipe off my lap and fix my shirt, straightening it out. "I haven't messed with a guy in a while huh" I thought out loud "Let's find one" I scanned around the area I was in until I looked at the section near the bar.

Hah, Perfect.


Why did I agree to come here? Teru is just gonna mess around with his friends and not even pay attention to me. I groaned and grabbed onto Teru's arm. But, he shoved me off and went back to chatting with his friends. I pout and start to look around the place. There's a lot of hot guys here, but I do have a type. Blondes, it would be better if they're taller then me too!

I looked around for a while but I was having no luck. All the blondes were too shabby or were covered head to toe in tattoos. I was loosing hope until I decided to look at the V.I.P section. That's when I found him. He had blonde hair, glasses, piercings, and damn did this guy look tall as hell.

After a few moments of starting I was broken out of my gaze by him looking at me. He must of noticed my staring and winked at me. I blushed a deep red and looked to the side, covering my face.


Man was this guy cute. He had freckles! That was my favorite thing about him. I wanted to go up to this guy but I saw he was at the table with some other people. I'm not sure who they were to him. To play safe I pointed at the bathroom indicating I wanted him to go there. He quickly obliged and I left.


"Hey ima go to the bathroom" I told Akari, I was leaving. Yes I am capable of making my own decisions but she's so pissy about if I don't tell her I'm leaving or where I'm going. I don't wanna deal with that.

"Ok sure, just don't fuck with some girl on the way" She turns back to her phone and continues taking selfies with Yui. I never told her I'm Bi because she would put even stricter rules on me. So due to that I've ducked around with a couple guys while with her. I even had this one guy I would go see every Wednesday but he died 2 years ago due to a car crash. He called himself 'Maddog' as a cover name.

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