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Pls tell me if you have this/know someone who has this and tell me if I got something wrong about it. Or what it's actually called. This is the only thing I got on Google for this condition.


* Hypoglycemia -
A condition in which ones blood sugar level is lower then others. In conclusion of that, they need more sugar in their bodies.

Tsukishima's POV

My name is Tsukishima Kei. I'm a high school student who goes to Karasuno high school. Diabetes runs in my family. Almost every one in my family has it. Well, everyone except me. I have Hypoglycemia*. In short, I need a lot of sugar. it's quite annoying actually. sometimes i don't even want sugar, or i've had to much that it gives me headaches, but i still need it to survive. i don't like deserts, except one, strawberry shortcake. it's not too sweet to me yet it still gives me most of the sugar i need for the day, i'll usually have it with soda or a milk shake.

so today, when i walked by this new cafe i've seen in town, i needed to try it out. well not needed, but i wanted too. i walked in and it had this very homey vibe to it. the lights were soft and the music was calm, Beethoven or something was playing in the background. i sat down at a booth since i didn't see a register anywhere. though there was one thing i realized was different about this place. everyone was on wheels somehow. either on heelees or roller skates. it was sorta fun to watch them skate around. now i realized why there was so much space everywhere.

once i got to my table i looked around and saw the scenery more. there were pretty photo collages on the wall, the aesthetic was called dark academia i think. soon enough a boy came to my table using roller skates, he had a tablet with him.

i took a moment to admire him, he was quite pretty. the way his hair fell down the sides of this face, his freckles, the tiny acne scars, were all gorgeous to me. but that really dark shade of green his hair was, i didn't like. it was a very random color that didn't match with the rest of him at all.

"hello and welcome to 'cafe dare', my name is yamaguchi and i'll be your server today, what may i get you?" he pulled out his tablet and typed something on it. "oh i'll also need your name too sir"

"tsukishima. and i'd like a strawberry shortcake with...what's the sweetest drink you have on your menu?" i did not want to ingest any more sugar after this, besides an occasional soda to tie me over.

"quite the sweet tooth you have their huh?" he giggled, "well i think it'd have to be a bubble gum frappe, something the owners daughter picked out" he smiled.

god was this man angelic.

"then i'll have that then" i responded

"alrighty, would you like a buzzer to alarm you when your order is ready, or a text?"

"a text. 602-333-6969"

"alright then! your order should be ready in about 10 minutes or so" he skated away after that. i never wanted him to leave.

after a few minutes my phone buzzed.

,cafe dafe!,

hello, tsukishima, your order is now ready! your server, tadashi yamaguchi, will be at your table in a moment!

this was a very lively text for it to be sent by a robot but i brushed it off. it wasn't that bothersome. yamaguchi came out with a tray in hand. he handed me the cake and drink. the shortcake was the most beautiful thing i've ever seen, and the drink, well let's say you can tell a child designed it.

yamaguchi left a receipt at my table and left. i guess i had to pay via card at a little stand thing near the exit. i took a bite of the strawberry shortcake and it was delicious. best damn thing i've ever had. i finished it all very quickly. i had this watch on my wrist, it looked like a normal smart watch but it tracks how much sugar i've had and how much more i'll need. i looked down and it was almost half way full. that was a shock, it normally took more then a few sodas to fill it this high. i sipped down my drink and checked it again. i was ecstatic, it was almost completely full. thank god for children's sweet tooth right?

i finished my food and left. i cleaned up behind myself pretty well. i don't like leaving a big mess behind for the waiter. it's not necessary. i gave the lady at the booth thing my card, she scanned it and i left. i would be coming back here more often.


almost every other day i came back to this cafe. and every time i've had yamaguchi as a waiter. we grew to know each other. he learned i have hypoglycemia, and i learned that he's deaf in one ear from a car accident. we got to know each other a lot more, becoming friends. we go to the same college, but he had evening classes and i have morning classes. also we're in different departments so we'd never seen each other.

"haha! wait so your brother said what?!" he laughed

"he said 'did you know the human anus can stretch up to 7 inches wide, and raccoons can fit in spaces 3 to 4 inches wide, so you can fit two full grown raccoons in your ass' it was the most random thing ever. i even looked it up and it was true. i don't want to know how he learned that information"
(true fact btw)

"wow your brothers funny! i'd love to meet the guy" he wiped tears at the end of his eyes.

"you can. if you want to that is"

"really?! can i really?"

"of course, if you come over to my place"


"it's a date, then" i smirked

blush ran across his face, he stammered a bit "s-sure.."

i can't wait for what we could become.

the end. boom. i probably won't ever write a one shot again so don't expect it. goodbye -kaz

words: 1063

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